Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Medicine & Health

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25 Common English Idioms and Phrases to Sound Like a Native

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Common English Idioms and Phrases

Here are some of the most common English idioms and phrases that will enrich your English vocabulary and make you sound like a native speaker.

1. ‘The Best of Both Worlds’

Means you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time.

Example: “By working part-time and looking after her kids two days a week she managed to get the best of both worlds.”

2. ‘Speak of the Devil’

This means that the person you’re just talking about actually appears at that moment.

Example: “Hi Tom, speak of the devil, I was just telling Sara about your new car.”

3. ‘See Eye to Eye’

This means agreeing with someone.

Example: “They finally saw eye to eye on the business deal.”

4. ‘Once in a Blue Moon’

An event... Continue reading "25 Common English Idioms and Phrases to Sound Like a Native" »

SOAP Note: Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan

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SOAP Note: Subjective

This section usually includes the patient's chief complaint, or reason why they came to the physician.


Documents objective, repeatable, and traceable facts about the patient's status.


The physician's medical diagnoses for the medical visit on the given date of a note written.


This describes what the healthcare provider will do to treat the patient – ordering labs, referrals, procedures performed, medications prescribed, etc.

Attending Physicians

Is the individual who has final responsibility, legal and otherwise, for patient healthcare.

Office visit: used in SpringCharts to designate the GUI.

Metric units: system of weights and measures, based on the metric system.

Imperial units: system of weights and

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Regulación y control del cuerpo

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Regula y controla todas las necesidades y acciones del cuerpo.

Cuando la glándula recibe información del sistema nervioso, secreta hormonas al sistema circulatorio. Estas hormonas van a un órgano.

Transmite los cambios que ocurren en el entorno dentro de nuestro cuerpo. Coordina todo el cuerpo y controla la memoria.

El sistema nervioso periférico transmite toda la información al sistema nervioso central en el cerebro. La respuesta se elige y se transmite al sistema nervioso periférico y finalmente llega a los efectores. La información se transmite entre neuronas en un proceso llamado sinapsis.

Verb Tenses and Phrases for Actions and Descriptions

Classified in Medicine & Health

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The following are different verb tenses and phrases used to describe actions and situations:

Present Simple

  • He, she, it is in the first column.
  • They, you, we are in the present continuous.

Past Simple

  • Would: used for past habits and repeated actions.
  • Was/were ed or 2nd column.

Past Perfect Continuous

  • Had been ing in the third column.

Present Perfect Continuous

  • Have/has been ing.

Past Continuous

  • Was ing.

Past Perfect

  • Had ed or 3rd column.

Phrasal Verbs

  • Took off: to become successful.
  • Takes after: to have similar characteristics.
  • Took up: to start an activity.
  • Took over: to become responsible for something.
  • Take back: to admit you are wrong.
  • Turn away: to refuse permission to enter a place.
  • Turn down: to refuse an invitation.
  • Turn off: to make somebody decide they
... Continue reading "Verb Tenses and Phrases for Actions and Descriptions" »

Tips for Starting a Healthy Lifestyle at a Young Age

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A healthy lifestyle means maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet as well as engaging in sports or other fitness-related activities. A healthy diet alone, however, is inadequate to ensure a healthy body as physical activity helps to keep one in shape and free of sickness and disease. Also, having a healthy life means being mentally well and not being stressed.

I think everyone should start a healthy lifestyle at a young age. Parents must urge their children to eat more vegetables, fruits, juices, wholemeal, and wholegrain foods. Many parents, due to time constraints, usually find the easy way out by cooking two-minute noodles or heading towards the nearest fast-food joint for a quick meal. They do not realize, however, that this sets the... Continue reading "Tips for Starting a Healthy Lifestyle at a Young Age" »

Explore Venice Beach: A Bohemian District with Stunning Canals and Beaches

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Venice Beach: A Bohemian District in Los Angeles

Discover the Vibrant and Electric Atmosphere

Located in California, United States, Venice Beach is renowned for its stunning canals and beautiful beaches. However, it is also home to a somewhat bohemian residential area and a colorful promenade along the ocean.

A Pedestrian-Friendly Area with Famous Residents

Unlike many other parts of Los Angeles, Venice Beach is a pedestrian-friendly district. Many houses have their main entrances on the pedestrian streets, and it has been a popular residence for numerous actors, singers, and other public figures. The carpark entrance is located on the side alleys in the back.

Experience the Beach Culture

Venice Beach is famous for its beach, including Muscle Beach

... Continue reading "Explore Venice Beach: A Bohemian District with Stunning Canals and Beaches" »

Purpose and content of

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The main purpose of this report is to help the Howatt Hotel to improve. To prepare this report different members of staff have been interviewed.

According to the staff, hiring the right general manager is a critical decision because the manager is responsible for effective operation. Since the new arrival of Mr. Huchet, many things have changed in a negative way.

Recent trends/ Dissatisfaction

It was reported that the latest months staff work conditions got worse, there are too many part-time employees or student trainees who are not motivated because they are hardly paid anything. It was also stated that new methods in running this hotel like “flexibility” or “job rotation” are not effective, as a consequence staff is unsatisfied.


In... Continue reading "Purpose and content of" »

The Unflattering Influence of Mrs. Costello on Winterbourne's Perception of Daisy

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Mrs. Costello's Influence on Winterbourne's Perception of Daisy

The Unflattering Light of High Society

Mrs. Costello, a representative of high society, casts an unflattering light on Winterbourne by influencing his opinions of Daisy Miller. Her snobbish views and shallow nature lead Winterbourne to question Daisy's character.

Mrs. Costello's Suspicions

Mrs. Costello suspects Daisy of being an adventuress, a social hustler seeking to compromise Winterbourne. This suspicion stems from Daisy's European background and her willingness to accept Winterbourne's invitation to Chillon.

The Millers' Vulgarity

Mrs. Costello also objects to the Millers'"new mone" status and their vulgar behavior. Daisy's excessive talking, use of slang, and lack of social graces... Continue reading "The Unflattering Influence of Mrs. Costello on Winterbourne's Perception of Daisy" »

Met-low patients" cancer français

Classified in Medicine & Health

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¡Escribe tu texto aquí!INTRODUCTION

Breast cancer is the most frequent type of non-skin cancer and the most frequent cause of cancer death in women worldwide, and it is the second most frequent cause of cancer death in United States women. (See "Clinical features, diagnosis, and staging of newly diagnosed breast cancer", section on 'Introduction' and "Clinical features, diagnosis, and staging of newly diagnosed breast cancer", section on 'Epidemiology' and "Diagnostic evaluation of women with suspected breast cancer", section on 'Introduction'.)

The majority of breast cancers in the United States are diagnosed as a result of an abnormal screening study, although a significant number are first brought to attention by a patient. Findings... Continue reading "Met-low patients" cancer français" »

Common English Phrasal Verbs and their Meanings

Classified in Medicine & Health

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  • Addition: additional
  • Adventure: adventurous
  • Base: basic
  • Care: careful
  • Caution: cautious
  • Count: countless
  • Medic: medical
  • Pain: painful
  • Slime: slimy
  • Act: active
  • Agree: agreeable
  • Differ: different
  • Insist: insistent
  • Please: pleasant
  • Assist: assistance
  • Disturb: disturbance
  • Enquire: enquiry
  • Establish: establishment
  • Imprison: imprisonment
  • Offend: offence
  • Try: trial
  • Dishonest: dishonest
  • Disloyal: disloyal
  • Disobedient: disobedient
  • Illegal: illegal
  • Immature: immature
  • Improbable: improbable
  • Incapable: incapable
  • Irrational: irrational
  • Irresponsible: irresponsible
  • Unethical: unethical
  • Unfaithful: unfaithful
  • Unpredictable: unpredictable
  • Unreliable: unreliable
  • Unsurprising: unsurprising
  • Untrustworthy: untrustworthy

Common English Phrasal Verbs and their Meanings (continued)

  • Dress up: vestirse
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