Informatio obtained in a job inventory approach( human resource management)
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1.- Record.
Classified in Mathematics
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1.- Record.
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Dear Mr. Gilhooley,
I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised on your website/in the Times Union on 25 January. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume, and three references.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very appealing to me, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position and an asset to your organization. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
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6) Distribution channels for automobiles in Japan and the United States are similar in that most car buyers in both countries visit dealerships before making a purchase.
8) Kodak adopted a direct involvement approach in Japan by utilizing independent agents, distributors and retailers.
9) A distributor with good contacts is obviously the best one to select in terms of generating quick sales and revenues.
10) When utilizing the services of a local independent distributor, management is well advised to treat the distributor as a temporary market-entry vehicle.
11) An exporter that is new to a particular market would do well to choose a middleman with a reputation for "cherry picking" products.
12) When Carrefour, Tesco, or Walmart set up shop in developing... Continue reading "1" »
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1. For y — by — 0 an integrating factor is e J ocix = e ox so that — [e oxy dx L J —oo < x < oo. There is no transient term. 2. For y1 + 2y — 0 an integrating factor is eJ 2 dx = e2x so that —oo < x < oo. The transient term is ce 2x. A dx <-2xy = 0 and y = ceox for = 0 and y — ce~2x for d 3. For y' + y — eix an integrating factor is eJ dx = ex so that — [e'Ty] -- and y - ie3* + ce~x for dx * 4 —oo < x < oo. The transient term is ce x. 4. For y' -f- Ay = 4 an integrating factor is eJ 4 dx == e4x so that [e4x dx L for — oo < x < oo. The transient term is ce~4x. V = |e4x and y = A + ce -4x 49 www.Elsolucionario.Net Exercises 2.3 Linear Equations 5. For y'+3x2y = x2 an integrating factor is eJ ,ix... Continue reading "Linear Equations and Integrating Factors" »
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Automation is a system, process, or piece of equipment that is self-acting and self-regulating. It substitutes labor-saving capital equipment and technology for labor. Automated manufacturing processes typically require high volumes, and costs are high. Fixed automation produces one type of part or product in a fixed sequence. Flexible automation can be changed to handle various products. Industrial robots and automated service processes.
DMAIC = Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.
A firm cannot gain competitive advantage with faulty processes! Processes can be analyzed and improved using certain tools and techniques. Process analysis is the documentation and detailed understanding... Continue reading "Process Analysis and Quality Management in Automation" »
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Good idea. So, shall we start by discussing the first aid training package?
Well, we already have some people with first aid training.
But we need some first aid courses for beginners. We also need refresher courses, where people return every year to improve their skills. So we'd like you to provide both beginner and refresher courses for our staff.
We can agree to that. What I propose is a package of a beginner course plus refresher courses for more experienced people.
That would be fine for us.
So these are the courses that we offer. You can see all the dates and the prices here.
Yes, I see. Tell me, Martina, what is your priority here?
It's essential that our factories follow the law. We want to have all... Continue reading "Health and Safety Training Package for Factories" »
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Yes, but I'd like to take advantage of it much better.
No, I'm too lazy to do that.
We were awful. But if the hacker had taken... Continue reading "Effective Time Management and Workplace Communication" »
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Assessment is one of the most important components of education as it provides evidence of students' learning outcomes and their growth over time. This process helps not only students but also teachers, families, and other stakeholders in many ways. For example, assessment is a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and teachers, and it can provide insight into program effectiveness for program developers. According to Brookhart and Nitko (2011), assessments are used to measure, evaluate, and document learning outcomes, proficiency, and educational needs.
Assessment can be formative or summative (Crooks, 2001). Formative assessments are used to monitor day-to-day learning of students, provide feedback to both teachers (i.e., about instructions)... Continue reading "Understanding Assessment Formats and Question Types" »
Classified in Mathematics
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Bayes’ theorem describes the probability of an event, based on conditions that
Might be related to the event. Bayes’ theorem can also be calculated as the
Joint probability divided by the marginal.
Bayes’ theorem deals with conditional probability.
????(????) ∗ ????(????|????) = ????(????) ∗ ????(????|????)
????(????|????)=P(Ai)P(B|Ai)/ P(A1)P(B|A1)+ P(A2)P(B|A2)
????(????|????)=P(Ai ∩B) / P(A1∩B)+P(A2∩B)
-Discrete probab distrib(numb of students absent today, numb of books borrowed from library, number of head appering when a cons is tossed tre time)LIMITED
-Conitnous:liter of rain that occur in barcelona, the wheight of all population in spain )UNLIMITED.
Ejercicio Larry
Are indoeendent?
Not because
... Continue reading "d" »Classified in Mathematics
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1. Many business owners spend years trying to get their enterprise started.
2. At the rate we are going, we are lucky to break even at year's end.
3. The world's biggest stock exchange is in New York.
4. Every employee has shares in the company.
5. The stock market rose 20% today. Brokers were euphoric!
6. The dip in the market caused some investors concern.
7. There was a dramatic rise in the share price at the end of the week.
8. Dividend is the part of the company's profits which is paid to shareholders.
9. One of the most difficult parts of running a restaurant is keeping the cashflow which can be variable.
10. House prices have increased by 5%. It is too expensive to buy now.
11. Demand for this product has fallen recently. We won't manufacture... Continue reading "Understanding Business and Stock Market Terminology" »