Roman Law: Ius Civile and Ius Honorarium
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Ius Civile and Ius Honorarium
The Ius Honorarium, also known as Honorarium IUS, refers to the body of law created by the Praetor and other judges. This system prompted the Ius Civile to adapt to the evolving social and legal landscape of Rome. The Honorarium IUS is rooted in the potestas of the Roman magistrate, stemming from the edicts of judges, particularly the Praetor.
In contrast, the jus civile is a legal framework that primarily regulates relations between cives (Roman citizens). Originating in ancient Rome, it was initially known as IUS QUIRITARIUM, the right of the Quirites, the first inhabitants of Rome.
The Antagonism Between Ius Civile and Ius Honorarium
The tension between ius civile and Ius Honorarium arises from legal, political,... Continue reading "Roman Law: Ius Civile and Ius Honorarium" »