Euthanasia: Ethical Considerations and Perspectives
Classified in Law & Jurisprudence
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Euthanasia: A Moral Dilemma
Regarding euthanasia, the core moral issue revolves around two key questions: Does an individual possess the right to choose the timing of their death? Furthermore, does this person have the right to seek assistance in ending their life from a medical professional? Proponents of euthanasia often argue that when death is inevitable, imminent, and the pain preceding it unbearable, the only morally sound response is to actively end the person's life. Conversely, opponents contend that euthanasia is essentially suicide and murder.
An Illustrative Analogy
An analogy, relevant to euthanasia, compares illness or ailment to a murderer. The ill person is the victim, running down a long alley with the murderer closing in. Death... Continue reading "Euthanasia: Ethical Considerations and Perspectives" »