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Connecting Words and Phrases in Spanish - A Comprehensive Guide

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Moreover, beside, furthermore, in addition (además), and also (y también), likewise (asimismo), as well as (como también), not only...but also (no solo...sino que también), further (mas aun), another (otro), still another (aun otro), last but not least (ultimo pero no menos importante).


so (asi que, entonces), therefore (por lo tanto), hence (de ahí que), thus (asi), consequently, as a consequence (como consecuencia), for this reason (por esta razón), as a result (como resultado), so that (de manera que), that’s why (por eso es que), accordingly (por consiguiente), so...that (tan...que), such (a)...tan (tan...que), nevertheless (no obstante).


in order to (con el fin de), in order that (con el fin de que), for the... Continue reading "Connecting Words and Phrases in Spanish - A Comprehensive Guide" »

Vocabulary Definitions: Enhance Your Word Power

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Vocabulary Definitions

  • Annular - (adj) ring-shaped
  • Apiary - (n) a place where bees are kept and tended
  • Apocalyptic - (adj) relating to a revelation
  • Apostasy - (n) abandonment of faith or dedication to basic beliefs
  • Append - (v) to attach, add
  • Auspices - (n) patronage, sponsorship
  • Brusque - (adj) abrupt, rough in speech or manner
  • Bucolic - (adj) of the countryside
  • Cabal - (n) a group of people engaged in intrigue
  • Cache - (n) a secret place for hiding supplies, food, etc.
  • Cairn - (n) a heap of stones marking a special site
  • Codicil - (n) a supplementary statement, especially as in a will
  • Dissimulate - (v) to mask or confuse by false appearance
  • Dissipate - (v) to cause to disappear; to scatter
  • Eclectic - (adj) chosen or selected from various sources
  • Ecumenical
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Objective Literary Criticism: Theory, History, and Race

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Theory of Criticism

He believes that criticism should be descriptive (tries to describe), interpretative (tries to give the meaning), and objective. A criticism that engages the text directly without personal or historical influences, trying not to add anything of your own personality.

If I form the subject, it will be subjective. So it has to form itself. The critic has not to form the judgment, but it can’t form itself. So knowing that the critic, at the end, is the one able to form the judgment, he has to do it objectively, giving the appearance that it was formed itself.

The critic should “communicate first knowledge and let his own judgment pass along with it”. He assumes it is impossible that your judgment is not yours, but don’t... Continue reading "Objective Literary Criticism: Theory, History, and Race" »

Gulliver's Travels: Publication and Satirical Frame

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Gulliver's Travels: Publication History

  • Swift most probably had a transcribed copy of the text by the end of 1725. To keep the holograph safe (and perhaps to obscure his authorship) Swift had an additional copy made.
  • This latter manuscript copy (made by an amanuensis) was sent to the printer in 1726 and was used to set the text of Gulliver's Travels.
  • Swift set out for London from Dublin on 6 March 1726, bringing with him the copy for the printer. Shortly afterwards, Charles Ford arrived with the holograph.
  • An approach to the publisher Benjamin Motte seems to have been made around 8 August by means of a letter from “Richard Sympson.”
  • The letter was accompanied by ‘about a fourth part’ of the text of Gulliver's Travels as a sample.
  • All materials
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Authors and Literary Movements: 16th to 19th Century

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Authors and Works of the 16th Century

Peter Seraph: Poet and painter, his date of birth is unknown, and it is known he died around 1566. His poetry still presents points of contact with March. However, he used proper poetic forms of the Renaissance, such as the sonnet, and he cites poets of Greek and Latin classics (Homer, Virgil, and Ovid) and two Italian dolce stil nuovo poets (Dante and Petrarch) plus March. He also wrote in Catalan.

18th Century Authors

Francesc Vicent Garcia: He is considered one of the most outstanding authors of three centuries. Known as the Rector of Vallfogona, he was born in Tortosa and died in Vallfogona. His reputation is based on one aspect of his work: that which emphasizes a thick, deliberately exaggerated humor,... Continue reading "Authors and Literary Movements: 16th to 19th Century" »

Spanish Literature: Key Authors and Movements

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Miguel de Cervantes

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was a Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright. He was likely born on September 29, 1547, in Alcalá de Henares and died on April 22, 1616, in Madrid. He was buried on April 23, and this date is popularly known as the date of his death. He is considered the greatest figure in Spanish literature. He is universally known, especially because he wrote *The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha*, which many critics have described as the first modern novel and one of the best works of world literature. He was given the nickname "Prince of Wits."

Baroque Poetry

Baroque poets demonstrate an extraordinary literary quality in sonnets, tenths, *letrillas*, *silvas*, *romances*, etc. Notable authors include... Continue reading "Spanish Literature: Key Authors and Movements" »

Post-Romanticism: Parnassianism, Symbolism, and Literary Figures

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Introduction to Post-Romanticism

In the last third of the 19th century, a reaction against the post-Romantic idealistic type emerged. Writers rebelled against bourgeois values and customs (business, money, fame) and chose a more marginal way of life (alcohol, drugs) as a rejection of the society to which they belonged. They were drawn to the bohemian lifestyle, a model based on rebellion and freedom, which had two faces: the dandy and the cursed. Writers believed that the ultimate aim of art should be beauty. With them, contemporary art and artists were born. Post-Romanticism had its maximum splendor in France, giving rise to two poetic movements: Parnassianism and Symbolism.


Focused on the theme of art for art's sake, Parnassian

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Literary Modernism: Wells, Eliot, Lawrence, and Woolf

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Liberalism: H.G. Wells

Herbert George Wells was born into a low-middle-class family facing economic problems, leading him to seek a grant for his studies. He earned a degree in zoology but chose to become a writer, authoring textbooks on biology and geography. Wells aimed to reform the social system, employing a simple and energetic style. His writing, characterized by social realism and inspired by personal experiences, often depicted social issues with a stark, impressionistic approach, creating an immediate impact on readers. His works explored science fiction, social problems, sexual freedom, and offered a sarcastic portrayal of English social life, critiquing institutions. Notable works include The Time Machine (science fiction) and Marriage... Continue reading "Literary Modernism: Wells, Eliot, Lawrence, and Woolf" »

Gaucho Poetry and the Epic of Martín Fierro

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The Gaucho: A Cultural Icon

The gaucho, a mixed-race figure of Creole and mestizo heritage, emerged as a distinct human type on the plains of the Rio de la Plata region, with origins tracing back to colonial times.

Gaucho Poetry: An Oral Tradition

Gaucho poetry originated as an oral tradition, later adopted and developed by learned poets into a written art form.

Gaucho Poetry and Romanticism

During the Romantic era, gaucho poetry gained significant momentum due to its national character, which resonated with the movement's focus on local color.

The Evolution of Gaucho Poetry

Gaucho poetry evolved through three distinct stages:

  1. Anonymous minstrels reciting songs in makeshift settings.
  2. The transition from oral recitation to written poems, marking the
... Continue reading "Gaucho Poetry and the Epic of Martín Fierro" »

Catalan Humanism: Bernat Metge and the Dawn of Reason

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Catalan Humanism: The Shift from Medieval Thought

The Rise of Humanism

The late fourteenth century marked a significant shift from the medieval mindset. Across Europe, and particularly in the sixteenth century, a new focus on human agency emerged. This movement, known as humanism, liberated individuals from theocratic authority, placing them at the center of intellectual and artistic pursuits. Medieval dogmatism was abandoned, replaced by an environment where questioning and debate were encouraged. Reason became the primary source of knowledge, leading to a renewed interest in Greco-Latin culture.

Philosophically, humanism embraced Epicurean ideals, such as the pursuit of knowledge for pleasure, the avoidance of fear, and the questioning of... Continue reading "Catalan Humanism: Bernat Metge and the Dawn of Reason" »