Connecting Words and Phrases in Spanish - A Comprehensive Guide
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Moreover, beside, furthermore, in addition (además), and also (y también), likewise (asimismo), as well as (como también), not only...but also (no solo...sino que también), further (mas aun), another (otro), still another (aun otro), last but not least (ultimo pero no menos importante).
so (asi que, entonces), therefore (por lo tanto), hence (de ahí que), thus (asi), consequently, as a consequence (como consecuencia), for this reason (por esta razón), as a result (como resultado), so that (de manera que), that’s why (por eso es que), accordingly (por consiguiente), so...that (tan...que), such (a)...tan (tan...que), nevertheless (no obstante).
in order to (con el fin de), in order that (con el fin de que), for the... Continue reading "Connecting Words and Phrases in Spanish - A Comprehensive Guide" »