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History and Traditions of Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. Originating as a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two early saints named Valentinus, Valentine's Day is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and romantic love in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country.

Martyrdom Stories

Martyrdom stories associated with various Valentines connected to February 14 are presented in martyrologies, including a written account of Saint Valentine of Rome's imprisonment for performing weddings for soldiers, who were forbidden to marry, and for ministering to Christians persecuted

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Local and Global Extrema, Critical Points, and Saddle Points

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Extremos locales

Definición. Sea f : C → R una función definida en un abierto C ⊆ R n. -Diremos que el punto a ∈ C es un máximo relativo (local) estricto de f si f (a) > f (x) para todo x perteneciente a un entorno reducido de a en C. -Diremos que el punto a ∈ C es un mínimo relativo (local) estricto de f si f (a) < f (x) para todo x perteneciente a un entorno reducido de a en C. -Diremos que el punto a ∈ C es un máximo relativo (local) de f si f (a) > f (x) para todo x perteneciente a un entorno de a en C. -Diremos que el punto a ∈ C es un mínimo relativo (local) de f si f (a) ≤ f (x) para todo x perteneciente a un entorno de a en C. A estos máximos y mínimos los llamaremos extremos locales de f en C.


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Ancient Rome's Founding: Myths and History

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The Founding of Rome: Between Myth and Reality

The traditional date for the founding of the greatest city of the Western world was the product of guesswork by Roman writers of the late centuries BC, working backward from their own time. There were reports of kings of Rome in the early days before the last of them, Tarquin the Proud, was expelled and the Roman Republic was founded, which was believed to have happened in 510 BC. Allowing for the reigns of Tarquin's predecessors carried the calculation back some two to three hundred years. After ranging shots by various writers, the author Varro, greatly respected for his learning in the first century BC, settled on the year 753 BC, which became the accepted, official date. All subsequent dates... Continue reading "Ancient Rome's Founding: Myths and History" »

Coleridge and Wordsworth: Romanticism, Language, and Imagination

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Coleridge centered on the ideal of Romanticism, representing the self.

  • Description of the supernatural
  • Individuality represented by dreams

These poets embody the movement in literary terms. For Coleridge, poetry is the exponent of Romanticism and is represented as the priority of English literature (a cultural interpretation). The poets consider themselves a kind of leader who helps to understand society. The poet is the one who teaches and guides, leading others to the truth.

Poetry explains to people how the world works. It is a vital way of teaching. Every poet interprets Romanticism in a very different way. The Romantic elements are seen from different points of view as they structure their Romanticism. Wordsworth and Coleridge use very different... Continue reading "Coleridge and Wordsworth: Romanticism, Language, and Imagination" »

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail

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What is Parallelism?

Parallelism is a rhetorical device that involves repeating a grammatical structure.

How Did Dr. King Define Just Laws?

Dr. King defined just laws as laws made by a majority that apply to everyone and that respect human dignity.

How Does King View Time?

King views time as a neutral force that must be used proactively to create change.

Why Was King Arrested?

King was arrested for violating a moratorium on demonstrations.

What Did King Think About Being Told to Wait for His Rights?

King believed that African Americans had already waited almost 400 years for their rights and that no rights had ever been gained without demanding them.

What Does Retaliate Mean?

Retaliate means to make an attack in return for a similar attack.

Was Dr. King'

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Essential Guide to Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes

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Understanding Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes


Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Here are some common prefixes:

  1. Anti-, Counter-, Contra-: Opposed to, against
  2. Bi-: Having two
  3. Circum-: Around, about
  4. Com-, Con-, Col-, Cor-: With, together
  5. En-: To change to
  6. Ex-: Former, previous
  7. In-, Im-, Il-, Ir-, Un-: Not, not having, lacking
  8. Non-: Not, lacking
  9. Per-: All over, very
  10. Pre-: Before
  11. Trans-: Across, beyond, through
  12. Uni-: Single, one
  13. Ab-: Away, from
  14. Ad-: Motion to, increase in
  15. De-: Down, away
  16. In-, Im-: In, into
  17. Inter-: Between
  18. Mis-: Wrong, wrongly
  19. Post-: After
  20. Pro-: Favoring, forward, for
  21. Re-: Again, back
  22. Semi-: Half, partly
  23. Sub-: Less, beneath, somewhat, later
  24. Super-: Over, above, beyond


Roots are the core of a word, carrying the... Continue reading "Essential Guide to Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes" »

Deadlock: Unraveling a Mystery on the Docks

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A complete failure to reach agreement or solve an argument.

The Case of Boom Boom's Death

  1. Boom Boom was an injured hockey player working for Eudora Grain Company; he was found dead.
  2. A ship was tied up at the wharf, and Boom Boom went under as she pulled away. His body was badly chewed up (p. 2).
  3. Why couldn’t the Lucella Wieser take on grain from Eudora’s wharf?
    Someone put water in the holds, and they had to dry them out (page 11).
  4. Eudora’s manager is Clayton Phillips.
  5. Niels Grafalk and Martin were a clever businessman who used to work for Niels, but he left. Niels finds it impossible to accept Martin’s departure.

Vic's Investigation Begins

  1. Vic returns to Boom Boom’s apartment. Someone had torn the place apart, and the watchman was
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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Characters, Setting, and Plot

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In a time of chaos, a great leader rises to power by promising to restore order. He rewards the loyal followers who have helped him. Soon he grows so powerful and arrogant that even his followers no longer trust him and conspire to kill him. In the hands of William Shakespeare, this true story from history became a great tragic drama, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.

Full title

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar


William Shakespeare

Type of work



Tragic drama, historical drama


Old English

Time and place written

1599, in London


Cassius’s death (V.iii), upon ordering his servant, Pindarus, to stab him, marks the point at which it becomes clear that the murdered Caesar has been avenged, and that Cassius, Brutus, and the other... Continue reading "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Characters, Setting, and Plot" »

Roots: A Study Guide

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True or False

T Kunta Kinte was born in Juffure.

F The Koro family was friendly with Kunta Kinte. They were enemies.

T Silla is Omoro's brother.

T John Waller owns a tobacco plantation.

T Kunta Kinte tries to escape John Waller's farm during the New Year party.

F Part 2 happens 20 years after part 1. Only 12 years pass.

T Kunta joins the army as an officer.

T Fiddler dies during Kizzy's naming ceremony.

T Noah dies in a big fire in the woods.

T Tom Lea lives in North Carolina.

F Mingo is Kunta Kinte's uncle. Mingo is a friend of Chicken George.

F In the duel, both men have the right to shoot their guns three times. They can only shoot twice.

T Marcellus offers $2,000 for Kizzy's freedom.

F Mingo dies because of sickness. He dies from a beating.

T George is... Continue reading "Roots: A Study Guide" »

Accounting Concepts and Calculations: A Comprehensive Guide

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Accounting Concepts and Calculations

1. Income Statement

  • Gross Sales: Total sales before any deductions.
  • Returns: Deducted from gross sales to calculate net sales.
  • Cash Discounts: Deducted from gross sales to calculate net sales.
  • Net Sales: Gross sales minus returns and cash discounts.
  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): The cost of the goods sold during the period.
  • Other Expenses: Expenses not related to COGS.
  • Profit Before Tax: Net sales minus COGS and other expenses.
  • Tax Expense: Taxes owed on profit before tax.
  • Net Income: Profit before tax minus tax expense.

2. Balance Sheet

  • Accounts Receivable: Money owed to the company by customers for goods or services sold on credit.
  • Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (ADA): An estimate of the amount of accounts receivable
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