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Post-War British Literature: A Look at The Movement and Beyond

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Post-War British Literature: A Look at The Movement and Beyond

The Cultural Landscape of Post-War Britain

The cultural landscape of the post-war period reflects a sense of fragmentation and absurdity, echoing the punk and anarchist movements and exemplified by the Theatre of the Absurd. This existential futility is underscored by the trauma of events like the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Consumerism created an illusion of prosperity, masking widespread disillusionment. This disappointment found its voice in the writings of the Angry Young Men.

The Angry Young Men

These writers, often from working-class backgrounds, found themselves alienated from both the middle and working classes. Key figures included John Osborne, John Braine, and... Continue reading "Post-War British Literature: A Look at The Movement and Beyond" »

Camilo José Cela's The Family of Pascual Duarte: A Deep Dive

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Camilo José Cela's *The Family of Pascual Duarte*: A Deep Dive

The Genesis of a Literary Masterpiece

The Family of Pascual Duarte was the first novel by Camilo José Cela, one of the most important writers of the postwar period, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. This work, along with *The Hive*, is among the best of his literary production.

A Confession from the Condemned

The work is presented as the confession of a condemned man. The offender is Pascual Duarte, a peasant who has committed several murders, including that of his own mother. He confesses his sins in an autobiography to publicly explain his conduct. He tries to justify, not only to explain, why he committed these crimes.

Pascual Duarte begins his story by explaining the... Continue reading "Camilo José Cela's The Family of Pascual Duarte: A Deep Dive" »

Bécquer's Late Romantic Period: Poetry, Prose, and Theater

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Bécquer's Late Romantic Works



Bécquer's most famous work, Rimas, is a collection of 79 short poems characterized by their intimate tone, simple vocabulary, and assonant rhyme. These poems explore themes of love, inspiration, disillusionment, and loneliness. They are grouped into four series that trace the arc of a love story:

  1. The Mystery of Poetry (1-11)
  2. Hopeful and Joyous Love (12-29)
  3. Love's Disillusionment (30-51)
  4. Loneliness and Emptiness (52-79)

Bécquer's style avoids the loudness and effects of earlier Romantic poetry, favoring a soft rhythm and evocative language.


  • Influence of popular poetry: Short, direct verses with assonance and repetition.
  • Influence of Symbolism: Exploration of interior experiences and the ineffable
... Continue reading "Bécquer's Late Romantic Period: Poetry, Prose, and Theater" »

18th & 19th Century Spanish Literature: Styles & Trends

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Narrative prose displays manners in works like Diego Torres Villarroel's Calendars and Forecasts. José Francisco de Isla bridges manners and prose stories with his reformist preacher character in The History of the Famous Preacher, Friar Gerundio de Campazas, Alias Zotes. Essayists include Feijoo with Teatro crítico universal and Erudite Letters, and Jovellanos (a key figure of the Enlightenment) with Report on Agrarian Law and Luzán Poetics. Also notable are J. Cadalso's Scholarly Letters and his dialogue-based work, Moorish Nights.

Lyrical Poetry

Poetry becomes more individualistic, featuring Anacreontic poetry like Valdés' The Dove's Phillies.


Leandro Fernández de Moratín's comedies, including The Old Man and

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Deadlock: Unraveling a Mystery on the Great Lakes

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The title of this book is a play on words. *Dead* means mort, and *Lock* means resclusa. What does “deadlock” mean? A complete failure to reach an agreement or solve an argument.

Key Events and Characters in Deadlock

Here are the key questions and answers:

  1. Who was Boom Boom?

    Boom Boom was an injured hockey player working for the Eudora Grain Company; he was found dead.

  2. How did he die?

    A ship was tied up at the wharf, and Boom Boom went under as she pulled away. His body was badly chewed up (p. 2).

  3. Who tells the story, and what relation does she have with Boom Boom?

    Vic tells the story; she’s Boom Boom’s cousin and friend.

  4. What’s Vic’s job?

    She is a detective.

  5. Why did Vic want to find out more about Boom Boom’s death?

    Because she didn’t

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Gulliver's Travels Among the Houyhnhnms

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Part IV: A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms

1. Arrival and First Encounters

After being abandoned by pirates, Gulliver encounters a race of hideous, deformed, and savage humanoid creatures called Yahoos, towards whom he feels a strong aversion. Soon after, he meets the Houyhnhnms, a race of intelligent horses who rule over the Yahoos.

2. The Nature of Houyhnhnms

Gulliver learns that "Houyhnhnm" translates to both "horse" and "perfection of nature" in their language. He explains human society to the Master Horse, who is unfamiliar with concepts like deception, power, greed, lust, or envy.

3. Human Nature and War

The Master Horse inquires about the causes of war among humans. Gulliver explains three main reasons: ambition for conquest, government... Continue reading "Gulliver's Travels Among the Houyhnhnms" »

Early English Literature and Romanticism: Key Figures and Concepts

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Caedmon: The First Known English Poet

Caedmon is considered the first English poet. While no original manuscripts of his work survive, we know of him through the writings of Bede, a historian who lived a century later. In his historical accounts, Bede included a monk named Caedmon and introduced a fragment of one of his poems, known as "Caedmon's Hymn" in Old English.

Caedmon lived in a monastery and was illiterate. According to Bede, he had a dream in which a man instructed him to sing. Though initially hesitant, Caedmon began composing poems based on what he heard in his dreams. He was also believed to possess prophetic abilities.

Caedmon used poetry to spread Christianity and was imitated by other monks. His work shared formal characteristics... Continue reading "Early English Literature and Romanticism: Key Figures and Concepts" »

Verb Tenses in English | Simple, Continuous, Perfect

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Simple Present

Pres. Simp. -> She cleans her.. -> She has her brushes cleaned

Present Continuous

Pres. Cont. -> She is cleaning her... -> She is having...

Past Simple

Past Simp. -> She cleaned her... -> She had...

Past Continuous

Past Cont. -> She was cleaning... -> She was having...

Future Simple

Fut. Simp. -> She will clean her... -> She will have...

Future Continuous

Fut. cont. -> She will be cleaning... -> She will be having...

Present Perfect

Pres, per, simp. -> She has cleaned... -> She has had...

Present Perfect Continuous

Pres, per, cont. -> She has been cleaning... -> She has been having...

Past Perfect

Past per. -> She had cleaned... -> She had had...

Past Perfect Continuous

Past, per, cont. -
... Continue reading "Verb Tenses in English | Simple, Continuous, Perfect" »

Avant-Garde to Present: A Journey Through Modern Art Movements

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Avant-Garde Movements


  • Matisse: The Dessert, Harmony in Red (1908), Portrait of Madame Matisse (1905)
  • Derain: The River Seine at Chatou (1906)
  • Vlaminck
  • Rouault


  • Picasso
  • Braque: Woman with a Guitar (1913)
  • Juan Gris: Portrait of Picasso (1912)


  • Munch: The Scream (1893)
  • Kirchner
  • Nolde


  • Boccioni
  • Giacometti

Cubist Sculpture

  • Brancusi

Between-War Period


  • Duchamp: Mona Lisa, Fountain (1917)
  • Picabia
  • Grosz: The Pillars of Society (1926)


  • Dalí: The Apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach (1931), The Persistence of Memory (1931)
  • Chagall: I and the Village (1911)
  • Magritte: The Son of Man (1964)

Abstract Art

  • Kandinsky: On White II (1923)
  • Malevich
  • Mondrian
  • Klee: Red and White Domes (1914), Senecio (1922)
  • Miró


  • Brancusi
  • Giacometti
  • Moore:
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Henry James: Exploring American Identity and European Influence

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Henry James (1843-1916)

A Cosmopolitan Life

Born in New York in 1843, Henry James was a true cosmopolite, moving seamlessly between drawing rooms in Europe, England, and America. While he may have felt more at home in Europe, his American roots profoundly influenced his writing. His works often explore the complex relationship between American and European cultures, highlighting the confrontations and contrasts between these two worlds.

Early Influences and Literary Beginnings

In his youth, James's family embarked on a European journey, immersing themselves in the intellectual and cultural landscapes of Switzerland, France, and Germany. Upon returning to America, they settled in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a hub of intellectual thought. James's... Continue reading "Henry James: Exploring American Identity and European Influence" »