Derivatives and Limits: Rules, Properties, and Common Identities
Classified in Greek
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derivative rules
der(xa) = a . xa-1
der(a) = 0
(f+-g)' = f' + g'
(a.f)' = a .f'
(f/g)' = ((f'.g-g'.f)/g2)
der( ln(x) ) = 1/x
der( ln|x| ) = 1/x
der( ex) = ex
der( log(x) ) = 1/(x.ln(10))
der( loga(x) ) = 1/(x.ln(a))
common limits
limx->cf(x) = ∞
limx->cg(x) = L
limx->c[f(x) +- g(x)] = ∞
limx->c[f(x) . g(x)] = ∞, L>0
limx->c[f(x) . g(x)] = - ∞, L<0
limx->∞(1 + k/x)x = ek
basic identities
pythagorean identities
sin(x) | -1<= y <= 1 | arcsin(x) | - (π/2) <= y <= π/2
cos(x) | -1<= y <= 1 | arccos(
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