Cultivation Practices for Key Crops: From Sowing to Harvest
Classified in Geology
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Requires warm areas and medium-textured soils.
Neutral pH preferred; drought-tolerant.
Sowing from August 20th to August 30th.
Seeding rate: 2.5–4 kg/ha, spacing: 12.5 cm.
Nutrition and Fertilization
Nitrogen (N) requirements vary, with 0–30 kg N/ha. 9 Phosphorus (P), 30 Potassium (K).
Herbicides applied pre-emergence; insecticides for pest thresholds.
Chemical desiccation harvest, 10 days after, at 12-16% moisture.
Dry seeds to 8% for storage.
Oilseed Rape
Typical rotation: Winter wheat, oilseed rape, spring barley.
Avoid planting oilseed rape within 4 years on the same field.
Medium-textured soils with good aeration.
Frost-resistant; requires adequate nutrient supply. Needs vernalization.
Early sowing by late August.
Plant density: 30-... Continue reading "Cultivation Practices for Key Crops: From Sowing to Harvest" »