Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of French

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Discover Villamediana de Iregua: History, Culture, and Gastronomy

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Villamediana de Iregua: A Journey Through Time

Villamediana de Iregua, a charming town nestled in La Rioja, Spain, invites you to explore its rich tapestry of history, culture, and gastronomy. Its strategic location near the Camino de Santiago has profoundly influenced its development over the centuries.

A Glimpse into the Past

The town's historical landmarks, such as the Church of San Miguel and the remnants of its medieval castle, stand as testaments to its vibrant past. These architectural treasures offer a captivating glimpse into Villamediana de Iregua's historical significance.

Cultural Heritage and Traditions

The cultural heritage of Villamediana de Iregua thrives through vibrant traditions and festivities. The Fiestas de San Miguel, a cherished

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The Impact of Travel on Personal Growth and Education

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The Impact of Travel on Personal Growth

I definitely think traveling helps you to broaden your mind. If you want to travel to another country and learn about its culture, countryside, towns, ways of living, museums, etc., it means you are interested in something beyond your country and life. If you want to make a profit from your visit, you'll have to find out more on the internet or in books. In my view, if you do such things, you're already broadening your mind; you are getting interested in something else than you and your background.

Discovering New Cultures

Then you visit the country: you'll discover a new culture, how people think and live, and what they think about problems in the world. All these new experiences will broaden your mind... Continue reading "The Impact of Travel on Personal Growth and Education" »

English Grammar Exercises: Causative Verbs and CV Structure

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1. Complete the Sentences with the Right Option (1.5 points)

  1. I'm going ……. at the new hairdresser's.
    a) to cut my hair                                            b) to get my haircut
  2. She needs to…….…
    a) have her car repairs.                                   b) have her car repaired.
  3. She is going to the shop to……………………..
    a) have developed these photos                    b) have these photos developed
  4. He ……... while he was away on holiday.
    a) had his flat burgled.                                b) burgled his flat.
  5. I ………... my phone repaired after I dropped it.
    a) had.                                                              
... Continue reading "English Grammar Exercises: Causative Verbs and CV Structure" »

English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide for Technology

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Amusing: divertit
Annoying: molest
Confusing: confús
Embarrassing: vergonyós
Fascinating: fascinant
Frightening: aterridor
Frustrating: frustrant
Inspiring: inspirador
Irritating: irritant
Motivating: motivador
Relaxing: relaxant
Upsetting: molest
Worrying: preocupant

Technology Actions

Browse: navegar
Charge: carregar
Mute: silenciar
Plug in: endollar
Press: prémer
Scroll: lliscar (dalt baix)
Swipe: lliscar (esquerra dreta)
Switch off: apagar
Switch on: encendre
Tap: tocar
Update: actualitzar

Other Verbs

Invite: convidar
Warn: advertir
Spread: difondre
Express: expresar
Squeeze: apretar

-ed/-ing Adjectives

-ed: el que sento (how you feel)
-ing: situació (context) (the situation)
Example: embarrassed (jo avergonyida), embarrassing (situació vergonyosa)... Continue reading "English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide for Technology" »

Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises

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Unusual Things People Have Done

  • Painted their face in their team's colors
  • Had their tongue pierced
  • Dyed their hair orange
  • Shaved their head
  • Had an unusual hairstyle
  • Had a tattoo

Would + Verb in Conditional Sentences

Would + base form of the verb is used in conditional sentences to express hypothetical situations or actions that might happen in the future or that might have happened in the past if something else had been different.

Volcano Vocabulary

  • Lava
  • Magma
  • Crater
  • Dust
  • Ash

Natural Disasters

  1. Pollution (Contaminación)
  2. Tsunamis
  3. Famine (Hambruna)
  4. Forest Fires (Incendios forestales)
  5. Floods (Inundaciones)
  6. Tornadoes (Tornados)
  7. Hurricanes (Huracanes)
  8. Drought (Sequía)
  9. Disease (Enfermedades)
  10. Wars (Guerras)
  11. Earthquakes (Terremotos)
  12. Climate Change (Cambios de clima)

Verbs and

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Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs: A Guide to English Grammar

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Noun: A noun is a word that identifies a person, animal, place, thing, or idea.

Concrete nouns are the names of things or people that we experience through our senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste. Most nouns are concrete nouns.

For example:

Cats, dogs, tables, chairs, buses, and teachers are all concrete nouns.

Nouns name people, places, and things.

Abstract nouns cannot be detected by your five senses. You cannot see them, hear them, smell them, taste them, or feel them. Examples include dedication, destruction, curiosity, happiness, intelligence, and loyalty.

Proper nouns have two distinct features: They name specific, one-of-a-kind items, and they begin with capital letters, no matter where they occur within a sentence.

A noun is a word... Continue reading "Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs: A Guide to English Grammar" »

Introduction to Campus Journalism in the Philippines

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ENG 103: Introduction to Campus Journalism

Lesson 1: Campus Journalism Overview


  • Written
  • Oral
  • Visual

Campus Paper:

A free school newspaper that educates students and the community.


  • Aids students, schools, and the community

Other Functions (by Harold Spears and C.H. Lawshe Jr.):

  • Information
  • Opinion
  • Education
  • Watchdog
  • Laboratory
  • Documentation
  • Entertainment
  • Developmental

Sections & Parts:

A. Front Page:
  • Local news, foreign news, dateline, weather, index
  • Nameplate: Printed name of the newspaper
  • Ears: Little boxes on either side of the nameplate
  • Banner: The principal headline (Streamer - if it runs across the page)
  • Running head: Headline made up of 2 or more lines
  • Headline: Title of any news or story
  • Deck: Subordinate headline placed below the motherline
... Continue reading "Introduction to Campus Journalism in the Philippines" »

Internet: Transforming Communication and Daily Life

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The Internet's Impact on Daily Life

Nowadays, I use the internet almost like a hobby. I can communicate with my friends very easily. Since the internet was created, you have many options in your life, for example, in your hobbies or in your studies. It's easier to find things, to find jobs, to watch films, and to listen to music. I usually use the internet for reading news in the online newspaper. I can play with my friends online. And the most important thing: I can do my homework, and I can study via the internet. I'm doing a course now, and I need the internet for it. Also, I can buy many things online because there are many online shops. Previously, you couldn't imagine this. This was impossible. The internet allows me to be in contact with... Continue reading "Internet: Transforming Communication and Daily Life" »

Reported Speech and Passive Voice: Rules and Examples

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Reported Speech

1. Pre S -> Pas S 2. Pre C -> Pas C

3. Pas S -> Pas P 4. Pre P (have/has + ed/3ª) -> Pas P

5. Pas P (had been + ing) -> Pas P 6. Can -> Could

7. Will -> Would

Passive Voice

1. Pre= gives -> is given 2. Pre C= is chewing -> is being chewed

3. Pas S= gave -> was given 4. Pas C= was chewing -> was being chewed

5. Pre P= has given -> has been given 6. Pas P= had given -> had been given

7. Can/Must/Should= must give -> must be given

John da un libro a Mary -> Un libro es dado a Mary por parte de John.

Linguistics: The Study of Language and Its Components

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Morphology: The Study of the Internal Structure of Words

Syntax: The Study of the Combination of Words

Semantics: The Study of the Meaning of Linguistic Expressions


  • Negation: a-theist / dis-obey / in-complete / non-smoker / un-wise
  • Reversal: de-frost / dis-connect / un-mask
  • Disparaging: mal-function / mis-lead / pseudo-event
  • Size or degree: arch-enemy / co-pilot / hyper-market / mega-loan / mini-skirt / sub-conscious / super-market / sur-charge / ultra-modern / vice-president
  • Orientation: anticlockwise / auto-suggestion / contra-indicate / counterclockwise
  • Location and distance: extra-terrestrial / inter-play / intra-venous / pan-African / super-structure / tele-scope / trans-plant
  • Time and order: ex-husband / fore-shadow / neo-Gothic / paleo-
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