Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Design and Engineering

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Understanding Building Egress Requirements and Components

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Understanding Building Egress Requirements and Components

  • A means of egress must be an unobstructed path that leads a person safely out of a building. It must meet certain code requirements. Although escalators and elevators are part of general building circulation, codes do not allow them to be means of egress unless very specific requirements are met.
  • There are many situations where egress doors must swing in the direction of travel, e.g., occupant load greater than 49 or in hazardous occupancies. However, if the occupant load is less than 49, the required direction of door swing is not generally specified.
  • The opposite is true. They must be 10 feet wide, or more, to be considered a public way. (Width of an alley or sidewalk)
  • The main difference
... Continue reading "Understanding Building Egress Requirements and Components" »

Comparison of Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus

Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus are the formal query languages for a relational model. Both form the base for the SQL language which is used in most of the relational DBMSs. Relational Algebra is a procedural language. On the other hand, Relational Calculus is a declarative language. Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus can be further differentiated on many aspects, which I have discussed below with the help of a comparison chart.

BasicRelational Algebra is a Procedural language.Relational Calculus is a Declarative language.
StatesRelational Algebra states how to obtain the result.Relational Calculus states what result we have to
... Continue reading "Comparison of Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus" »

Essential Linux & Git Commands: A Quick Reference

Classified in Design and Engineering

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cdChange the current working directory.lsList files and directories.
pwdPrint the current working directory.cpCopy files and directories.
echoDisplay a message.mvMove or rename files and directories.
historyDisplay a list of previously executed commands.rmRemove files.
exitTerminate the current shell session.mkdirCreate a new directory.
typeDisplay information about a command.rmdirRemove a directory.
bgPut a job in the background.catConcatenate and display files.
killSend a signal to a process to terminate it.touchCreate an empty file.
waitWait for a process to complete.chmodChange file permissions.
readRead a line of input from the user.chownChange file ownership.
printfFormat and print a message to the console.
... Continue reading "Essential Linux & Git Commands: A Quick Reference" »

Internal leakage in

Classified in Design and Engineering

Written at on English with a size of 957 bytes.

a structure is called statically indetermined if there is at least one load for which the external and internal reactions can be comptuted from the psequilibrium equation but not uniquely.

PS. A satically determined structure obtained from the original one by removing. N constraints and introducing the corresponding force/moments as redundants (Xi, i=1,2,...N)

Flexibility coeff. Aij is the displacement in the line of Xi due to Xgorritoj=1

Stiffness coefficients aij unbalanced force/moment at the ith artificial constraint due to a unit displacement applied at the jth artificial constraint

Load constants ai0 unbalanced force/moment at the ith artificial constraint due to the action of the given loads a0

Digital Marketing and Web Development Fundamentals

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Digital Marketing (DM)


DM promotes brands through digital channels globally, offering targeted, personalized, cost-effective, and measurable marketing solutions.

Changes in E-commerce


  • Audience and medium-centered
  • Periodic updates
  • Scarcity of information
  • Stages & consent-driven interactions
  • Unidirectional communication
  • Focus on information dissemination


  • User-centered
  • Multimedia content
  • Content-centered
  • Real-time updates
  • Abundance of information
  • Hypertext navigation
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Two-way communication

Four DM Strategies

  1. Database Marketing (DB): Designing and communicating the brand (e.g., Coca-Cola) to increase engagement, enhance customer experience, and cater to both old and new customers.
  2. Customer Experience Design (CXD): Providing the
... Continue reading "Digital Marketing and Web Development Fundamentals" »

The Importance of Service Environment in Shaping Customer Experience

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Phys Evidence - Serv Envirom

(Important element of service mark mix) Service environment relates to style and appearance of physical surroundings and other elements by custom designing. Service environment is an art, involves time, effort, and can be expensive.

Purpose of Service Environment: Shape customer's experience and behavior, signal quality and position, differentiate and strengthen brand, core component of value position, facilitate service encounter.

Servicescape Model

Model developed by MaryJo Bitner. An important contribution of Bitner's is the inclusion of employee responses to service environment. Internal customer and employee responses can be cognitive, emotional, or physiological responses. Dimensions of service environment include... Continue reading "The Importance of Service Environment in Shaping Customer Experience" »

City Service Exception Tests

Classified in Design and Engineering

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EXCEPTION expected

  • Service already cancelled, we capture and check text before throwing the exception
  • @throws CityServiceException

@Test(expected = CityServiceException.class)

public void testAssignExceptionText () throws CityServiceException {

Activity a = moderator.cancel(service, "already exists");


try {

moderator.cancel(service, "reported by another user");


catch (CityServiceException e) {

assertEquals("Service was already cancelled", e.getMessage());

throw e;






EXCEPTION expected

  • User not found. The user is not found, we capture and check text before throwing the exception
  • @throws CityServiceException

@Test(expected = CityServiceException.class)

public void testUserNotFoundCheckText () throws CityServiceException... Continue reading "City Service Exception Tests" »

Understanding Motor Task Mechanisms and Learning

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Motor Task Mechanisms and Their Role in Learning

1. Decision Mechanism: The decision mechanism involves choosing or selecting responses for action. Some tasks, like the high jump, have a minimal decision component, while others have a complex and critical decision-making process for successful execution.

2. Motor Task Components: All motor tasks involve an execution mechanism. However, not all have significant perceptual (information about the environment) or decision (choice possibilities) components. Motor tasks should be analyzed based on their learning requirements.

3. Sequential Mechanisms: Motor tasks involve a sequence of mechanisms:

  • Decision Mechanism
  • Perceptual Mechanism
  • Execution Mechanism

4. Feedback Loops: Welford's simplified feedback

... Continue reading "Understanding Motor Task Mechanisms and Learning" »

Axis Translation and Rotation: Simplifying Conic Equations

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Translation of Axis

When you need to simplify equations, mainly the conics (circumference, parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola), you need to create a pair of coordinate axes parallel to the originals. This enables working with equations more simply.

This creation of axes is known as parallel translation of axes and consists of moving one or both axes so that the origin moves to a new position, and the axes are parallel to the original.

In the following figure, you can see how you can translate the equations of the curves from one Cartesian plane x and y to a Cartesian plane x’ and y’.


The new origin O’ is defined, and the axes x’ and y’ are parallel to the original axes x and y, so that for a point P(x,y) you have P(x’,y’). With this,... Continue reading "Axis Translation and Rotation: Simplifying Conic Equations" »

Child Language Acquisition: 5 Stages of Development

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Stages of Language Acquisition in Children

1. The Prelinguistic Period

1.1. Babbling

In auditory perception for speech, maturity is reached between 8 and 10 months when the restriction to the native language's phonology is observed. From the point of view of articulation, babies have a structure and motor control of the orophonation that will undergo very substantial changes in the early years and during the change of adolescence to reach the maturity of adults. It is clear that babies cannot produce all the sounds they can distinguish. Sounds as seemingly simple as vowels are difficult to produce by newborns since the space available for any movement of the tongue produces a constriction. This occurs during the first months when most of the sounds... Continue reading "Child Language Acquisition: 5 Stages of Development" »