Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Computers

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Java Programming: Classes, Objects, and Key Concepts

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Classes (الصفوف)

  • A class consists of variables (fields) and methods.
  • Variables are data members of a class.
  • Methods are functions that define the class's behavior.

Variables (المتغيرات)

  • Declared with a data type and a name.
  • Can be public or private.
  • Examples: int age, String name.

Methods (الأساليب)

  • Functions that perform specific tasks.
  • Can have parameters and return values.
  • Types:
    • Void methods: Don't return a value.
    • Return type methods: Return a value.
    • Static methods: Can be called without creating an object.
    • Instance methods: Require an object to be called.
    • Abstract methods: Declared without a body; used in abstract classes.
    • Overloaded methods: Multiple methods with the same name but different parameters.

Constructors (البناؤون)

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C Code Examples: Data Structures and Algorithms

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Recursive Binary Tree Traversals

Inorder Traversal:

void inorder(struct node *root)
  if(root != NULL)
    printf("%d\t", root->data);

Preorder Traversal:

void preorder(struct node *root)
  if(root != NULL)
    printf("%d\t", root->data);

Postorder Traversal:

void postorder(struct node *root)
  if(root != NULL)
    printf("%d\t", root->data);

Linked List Operations


void search(struct node *head,int key)
  struct node *temp = head;
  while(temp != NULL)
    if(temp->data == key)
      printf("key found");
    temp =
... Continue reading "C Code Examples: Data Structures and Algorithms" »

Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller: Understanding the Key Differences

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Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller

ii) Differentiate Between a Microprocessor and a Micro-Controller



A microprocessor is a central processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit (IC) chip that performs the processing functions of a computer.

  • It only includes the CPU core and lacks other components like memory, I/O ports, timers, and other peripherals.
  • Requires external components like memory (RAM, ROM), input/output devices, timers, and other peripherals to function as a complete system.
  • Primarily used in systems requiring high computational power and flexibility, such as desktop computers, laptops, servers, and high-end embedded systems.
  • Suited for applications where customization of peripherals
... Continue reading "Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller: Understanding the Key Differences" »

Essential Linux Commands: A Practical Reference

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Essential Linux Commands

File and Directory Management

  • mkdir: Create a new directory.
  • ls: List contents of a directory.
  • rm: Remove files or directories (-r for recursive).
  • cp: Copy files or directories.
  • mv: Move or rename files or directories.
  • cat: Display file contents or create files.
  • less: View file contents one page at a time.
  • head: Display the first 10 lines of a file.
  • tail: Display the last 10 lines of a file.

System Information

  • uname: Show system information (kernel, version, etc.).
  • top: Display running processes and resource usage.
  • df: Show disk space usage.
  • df -h: Show disk usage in human-readable format.
  • free: Display memory usage (RAM and swap).

File Creation and Editing

  • touch: Create an empty file or update its timestamp.
  • echo: Write text to a file
... Continue reading "Essential Linux Commands: A Practical Reference" »

Networking Essentials: TCP, IP, Routing, and SDN

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1. TCP Congestion Control

Slow Start: TCP initializes congestion window (cwnd) to a small size and doubles it every Round Trip Time (RTT) until a loss occurs (exponential growth) or the slow start threshold is reached.

Congestion Avoidance: After reaching the threshold, cwnd is incremented by one segment for each RTT, growing linearly to avoid congestion.

Fast Recovery: When triple duplicate ACKs are detected, TCP halves the cwnd and reduces the slow start threshold to half of the cwnd size before the loss, then transitions to congestion avoidance.

2. TCP RTT and Timeout

Estimating RTT: Uses Smoothed Round Trip Time (SRTT) which is a weighted average of previous RTT measurements.

Timeout Calculation: Often calculated as Timeout=SRTT+4×RTT

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Windows Popularity, Vista Versions, and Features

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Windows Popularity and Vista Features

Unit 13

Interviewer: There is no doubt that Windows has revolutionized the way we use computers today. Bill, can you explain just why it’s so popular?

Bill: Well, very simply, people find Windows very easy to use because everything is presented in graphic images. It’s also compatible with thousands of programs.

Interviewer: The big news at the moment is, of course, the launch of Windows Vista – the successor to Windows XP. I understand that there are several versions of Vista available. Could you give us some advice on which one to get?

Bill: Yes, you’re right – there are four main editions: Home Basic, Home Premium, Business and Ultimate.

Windows Vista Editions:

  • Home Basic: Designed for users with basic
... Continue reading "Windows Popularity, Vista Versions, and Features" »

Spreadsheet Basics and Text Editing Tips

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Unit 14: Moving Text

Cutting and Pasting

Anna: Ben, do you know how I can move this paragraph? I want to put it at the end of this page.

Ben: I think so. First, select the text with your mouse. Then, choose "Cut" from the Edit menu.

Anna: Like this?

Ben: Yes. The text disappears and is copied to the Clipboard. Click where you want the text to go.

Anna: Okay. Is that right?

Ben: Yes, if that's the correct spot. Next, choose "Paste" from the Edit menu, or press CTRL+V.

Anna: Okay, done. Is that all?

Ben: Yes. If you make a mistake, choose "Undo" from the Edit menu to reverse your last action.

Anna: Brilliant! Thanks!

Ben: You're welcome.

Unit 15: Spreadsheet Fundamentals


Let's start with the basics. Spreadsheets are used in business for financial... Continue reading "Spreadsheet Basics and Text Editing Tips" »

Developing Logical and Mathematical Thinking in Children

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What is Mathematical Logical Thinking?

These are the skills students develop associated with logical and mathematical concepts, reasoning, comprehension, and exploration of the world through real proportions, thus strengthening more abstract aspects of thought.

Geometry with Dinosaurs

This activity involves cutting out various geometric shapes with EVA rubber. Children will then create their own dinosaurs using these shapes. Through this activity, they can learn geometric shapes, count the number of elements used in each dinosaur (like the sides of the shapes), and create new geometric shapes from the ones they already have.

Logical Reasoning with Chupa Chups

This activity consists of creating logically structured material and playing with it using... Continue reading "Developing Logical and Mathematical Thinking in Children" »

LEGv8 Architecture and Assembly Language: Key Concepts

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Performance Metrics

  • Elapsed Time: Represents overall system performance. It is the total time taken to complete a task.
  • User CPU Time: Indicates CPU performance. It is the time the task actively runs on the CPU, excluding idle time.
  • CPU Time: The time the CPU spends executing instructions, either from the task or the operating system, excluding idle time.
  • Clock Speed: 1 MHz equals 1 million clock cycles per second. 1 GHz equals 1 billion clock cycles per second.
  • Response Time: Equivalent to execution time.
  • Throughput: Equivalent to bandwidth.
  • Performance Comparison: (PerfA) / (PerfB) = (ExecTimeB) / (ExecTimeA) = n

Impact of Processor Upgrades

  • Replacing a processor with a faster one decreases response time and increases throughput.
  • Adding an additional
... Continue reading "LEGv8 Architecture and Assembly Language: Key Concepts" »

Tensors and Variables in PyTorch and TensorFlow

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Tensors and Variables in PyTorch and TensorFlow

Here's a brief explanation of tensors and variables in the context of deep learning frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow:


  • Definition: A tensor is a multi-dimensional array used to represent data (such as scalars, vectors, matrices, or higher-dimensional data).
  • Common Operations: Tensors can be manipulated with mathematical operations (addition, multiplication, etc.), reshaped, sliced, etc.

In PyTorch, tensors are the core data structure:

import torch
# Create a tensor
a = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
# Basic operations
b = a + 2         # Adds 2 to each element
c = a * a         # Element-wise multiplication
d = a @ a         # Matrix multiplication


Tensor `b`: [[3, 4], [5, 6]]
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