Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Chemistry

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Vocabulary for Manufacturing, Materials, and Energy

Classified in Chemistry

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Vocabulary: Dimensions

  • Dimension: Big/Small
  • Height: High/Low
  • Depth: Deep/Shallow
  • Width: Wide/Narrow
  • Length: Long/Short
  • Strength: Strong/Weak
  • Thickness: Thick/Thin

Production 1

Improved quality control. Paper is an industrial process. It is the basic raw material. Increased productivity levels. The large store (for) finished product. Large factories use assembly lines. The company moved into large-scale manufacturing. The manufacturing (is the responsibility) of the production manager.

Complete the Sentences:
  • Known as a batch.
  • Is to assemble.
  • Inputs to outputs.
  • Is known as purchasing.
  • Is called a component.
  • Is to optimize.

We are making good progress with the new factory site layout: fixtures, equipment, machinery, workshops, etc. The present... Continue reading "Vocabulary for Manufacturing, Materials, and Energy" »

Understanding States of Matter and Separation Techniques

Classified in Chemistry

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States of Matter

DIBUJO: 1 Liquid 2 Boiling point 3 Evaporating 4 Sublimation 5 Condensation 6 Melting 7 Solidification 8 Reverse sublimation


: It's not necessary to vaporize at 100°C


: It's when a substance transforms to the gas state at a temperature of 100°C or higher


: 1-First, it's a solid substance 2 then the temperature increases 3 the solid substance melts and starts being a liquid substance 4 the temperature increases 5 the liquid substance vaporizes and starts being a gaseous substance 6 the temperature increases

Verify Pure Substance

: We know that a substance is pure because it has specific properties.


: Sedimentation - the sand stays at the bottom of the container and the water can be separated from... Continue reading "Understanding States of Matter and Separation Techniques" »

Coh3 chemical name

Classified in Chemistry

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Chapter 1 : Matter and change

Branches of chemistry

Organic Chemistry – the study of most carbon-containing compounds.

Inorganic Chemistry – the study of most non-carbon-containing compounds.

Physical Chemistry – the study of the properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy.

Biochemistry – the study of substances and processes occurring in living things.

Analytical Chemistry – the identification of the components and composition of materials.

Theoretical chemistry – the use of mathematics and computers to understand the principles behind observed chemical behaviour and to design and predict the properties of new compounds.


Atom – the smallest unit of an element that maintains the chemical identity of that element.

... Continue reading "Coh3 chemical name" »

Understanding Mixtures, Phases, and Chemical Reactions

Classified in Chemistry

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A mixture is a physical blend of two or more components.

Heterogeneous mixture

A mixture in which the composition is not uniform throughout is a heterogeneous mixture.

Homogeneous mixture

A homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the composition is uniform throughout. Another name of homogeneous mixture is a solution.


The term phase is used to describe any part of a sample with a uniform composition and properties.


The process that separates a solid from the liquid in a heterogeneous mixture is called filtration.


One way to separate water from the other components in tap water is through a process called distillation.

Properties of Matter


The matter of an object is a measure of the amount of matter the object... Continue reading "Understanding Mixtures, Phases, and Chemical Reactions" »


Classified in Chemistry

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Acid: Proton donor. Produces Hydronium ions
  - Taste sour, tart, sharp & conduct electricity
  - Stringing sensation & react with metals 
  - Changes litmus paper blue to red
Base: Proton acceptor. Produces Hydroxide ions(OH)
  - Bitter taste & slippery feel
  - Dissolves in water & neutralize acid
  - Changes litmus paper red to blue
Conjugated acid: gain a proton.  
Conjugated base: loses a proton
Neutralization: acid & base react to produce salt & water
Strong electrolytes: strong acid, base 7 soluble salts
pH 7: Neutral      pH 8-14: base   pH 0-6: acid
Acid & neutral solution: colorless 
Basic solution: pink
Red litmus (acid):  in acid (red), in neutral (red), in basic (blue)
Blue litmus (acid): in acid (red)
... Continue reading "chem" »

Introduction to Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding

Classified in Chemistry

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Rutherford Experiment

The results of the gold foil experiment led to the discovery of a very densely packed bundle of matter with a positive electric charge. Rutherford called this positive bundle of matter the nucleus. He was trying to figure something else out and accidentally discovered this. As much of a discovery as the gold foil experiment was, it wasn’t discovered intentionally.

Atomic Number

Consists of the number of electrons or protons.

Mass Number

Consists of the protons added to the neutrons.

Nonpolar Covalent Bond

A covalent bond in which the bonding electrons are shared equally by the bonded atoms. Example: H-H

Polar Covalent Bond

A covalent bond in which the bonded atoms have an unequal attraction for the shared electrons. Example:... Continue reading "Introduction to Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding" »

Atomic Structure: From Dalton to Rutherford

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From Dalton to the Electron

The simple model set by Dalton needed updating. In 1894, Crookes discovered that cathode rays were produced just by applying a very high voltage between two electrodes. He observed that he could get a shadow, so his conclusion was that "some particles exit from the metal plate placed in the cathode." As those particles were attracted by the positive electrode, the so-called cathode rays had to have a negative charge. Thomson (1897) interpreted the experiment as showing that cathode rays were a stream of electrons. Atoms, as introduced by Dalton, were not indivisible. Since electrons were issued from a metal, atoms were made of electrons (negative charge) and something else with a positive charge because matter is... Continue reading "Atomic Structure: From Dalton to Rutherford" »

General Biology Test: Questions and Answers

Classified in Chemistry

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1- Explain the process of making monomers and polymers.

Monomers are small subunits that when bound together form polymers

Polymers are formed by either dehydration or by hydrolysis

2- Define Cytoskeleton with its characteristics.

Structural framework consist of protein tubules, filaments: Microtubules, Microfilaments, Intermediate filaments

3- What is another name for protein channel that link cells?

Adhesion proteins – permit cell to stick together

4- What are the characteristics of phospholipids

Each phospholipid contains head and tail (head is hydrophilic, means it is attracted to water; the tails is hydrophobic, repels water)

5- What is the primary component of a cell membrane made of?

Phospholipids (glycerol bond, 2 fatty acids, phosphate group)... Continue reading "General Biology Test: Questions and Answers" »

Chemical Reactions and Energy Changes

Classified in Chemistry

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Relative Molecular Mass and Composition

60.The relative molecular mass of aluminium chloride is 267 and its composition by mass is 20.3%....

moles of Na == 0.05;

moles of NaOH = 0.05; same as moles of Na.concentration == 0.20 (mol dm–3)3

Reaction of Sodium with Water

61.Sodium reacts with water as follows.2Na(s) + 2H2O(l)  2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

1.15 g of sodium....

AlCl .empirical formula AlCl3;molecular formula: n = = 2;Al2Cl6

Reaction of Calcium Carbonate with Acids

62.(i)Calcium carbonate is added to separate solutions of hydrochloric acid and ethanoic.....bubbling/effervescence/dissolving of CaCO3/gas given off 

more vigorous reaction with HCl/OWTTE;2

(ii)2HCl(aq) + CaCO3(s)  CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(1); 

(iii)amount of CaCO3.amount of HCl... Continue reading "Chemical Reactions and Energy Changes" »

Elements, Compounds, and the Periodic Table

Classified in Chemistry

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Pure Substances and Mixtures

Pure substances: A pure substance has a constant composition that does not vary when subjected to physical changes.

Mixtures: A mixture can be separated by physical changes, such as filtering or boiling.

Elements and Compounds

Element: An element is a pure substance consisting of a single type of atom.

Compound: A compound is a pure substance consisting of two or more types of atoms linked together by chemical bonds.

Composition of the Universe, Earth, and Humans

  • Universe: Hydrogen (73.9%), Helium (24%), Other (2%)
  • Earth: Oxygen (29.7%), Iron (31.9%), Silicon (16.1%), Magnesium (15.4%), Other (6.4%)
  • Human Being: Oxygen (65%), Carbon (18%), Hydrogen (10%), Nitrogen (3%), Other (3.4%)

The Periodic Table

Periodic Table: The periodic... Continue reading "Elements, Compounds, and the Periodic Table" »