Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Arts and Humanities

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Fieldwork Interviewing Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Fieldwork Interviewing Techniques

Thin Description

Description: The description of what meets the eye, things that can be observed.

Thick Description

Description: The meaning behind the action. Thick description is a way of writing that includes not only describing an observation but also the context in which that behavior occurs.

It goes beyond surface appearances to include the context, detail, emotion, and webs of social relationships.

It presents the significance of an observation, event, or behavior. Thick description includes voices, feelings, actions, and meanings. Thick description always comes with a thin description.


Description: From the perspective of the subjects, how the subjects see it. An "emic" point of view. THEM



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Global Branding and Product Strategies

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Brand equity can also be thought of as an asset representing a company's value.

Brand equity represents the cumulative added value of a product or service.

A company that has developed a successful brand has a valuable asset. (FALSE)

A global brand begins with the foundation of value. (T) According to the top (F)

A global product meets the wants of consumers in Japan, Western Europe, and the United States.

After four years of product development, Procter & Gamble achieved continuous innovation.

Alfred Zeien, former chairman of Gillette, emphasized the importance of Esteem in brand building.

An express warranty is a written guarantee that assures the buyer that he or she is getting what he or she has paid for. (TRUE)

An express warranty is a written... Continue reading "Global Branding and Product Strategies" »

Past perfect

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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present continuous: i am ing you are ing he is we are you are they are
past continuous: i was ing you were ing he was we are you are they are
past perfectionous: i had been taking you had been taking igual para todos
present perfect:i have jumped you have jumped igual para todos
past perfect: i had taken igual para todos
future perfect continuous: i will have been taking igual todos
future: i will take igual todos
future continuous: will be taking igual todos
future perfect: will have taken igual todos
present perfect continuous: i have been taking igual you. HE has been taking WE have been taking igual you the

Debunking Creativity Myths: Fostering True Innovation

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Debunking Creativity Myths

Common Misconceptions

1. The Eureka Myth

New ideas sometimes appear as a flash of insight, but this is often the culmination of prior thought and effort.

2. The Breed Myth

Creative ability isn't solely determined by genetics; it's a skill that can be developed.

3. The Originality Myth

Creative ideas often build upon existing knowledge and collaborations.

4. The Expert Myth

While expertise is valuable, relying solely on experts can limit diverse perspectives.

5. The Incentive Myth

Larger incentives don't always lead to increased innovation and can sometimes be counterproductive.

6. The Lone Creator Myth

Innovation is often a collaborative process, not the work of a single individual.

7. The Brainstorming Myth

Unstructured brainstorming... Continue reading "Debunking Creativity Myths: Fostering True Innovation" »

Understanding Storytelling: Types, Expressions, and Humor

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Storytelling Definitions

  • Plot: The main sequence of events in a play, novel, or film.
  • Biographical sketch: An account dealing with a particular person's life.
  • Fake: A person or thing that is not genuine.
  • Myth: A widely held but false belief.
  • Tall story: An account that is fanciful and difficult to believe.
  • Fairy tale: A story, typically of a magical or idealized nature, often for children.
  • Legend: A traditional story popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated.
  • Anecdote: A short, entertaining story about a real incident or person.
  • Punch line: The culmination of a joke or story, providing the humor or climax.
  • Joke: Something said or done to cause amusement.

Common Storytelling Expressions

  • Tell a white lie
  • Spreading rumors
  • Be a bit of a gossip
  • Prone
... Continue reading "Understanding Storytelling: Types, Expressions, and Humor" »

Architectural History: Renaissance, Gothic, Romanesque

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Architectural History: Renaissance, Gothic, and Romanesque Periods

26. Notre Dame Church Exhibits the Following Gothic Characteristics:

a. All of the above

b. Rose windows

27. The Renaissance Period of Architecture Began in What Country?

a. Italy

28. What Invention Was Important to the Renaissance?

a. Printing

29. Pisa Campanile:

a. Has a 13ft inclination

30. The Inclination in Pisa Campanile is Caused by:

a. Differential settlement (subsidence) in the foundation

31. Externally, Hagia Sophia Can Be Described by:

a. Bearing walls

32. The Renaissance in Architecture is Expressed by:

a. A renewed interest in the classical Roman and Greek forms and proportion

33. The Portico at the West “Portico de la Gloria” in the Spanish Romanesque Church Santiago de Compostela

... Continue reading "Architectural History: Renaissance, Gothic, Romanesque" »

Film Terminology: Genres, Adjectives, and More

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Musical, Action, Romantic Comedy, Western, Science Fiction, Drama, Animation, Horror, Futuristic, Humorous































Out of this world





Based on a novel: basada en una novela.

Based on a true story: basada en una historia real.

A hit: éxito de taquilla.

Cast: reparto  (de actores).

Costumes: vestuario.

Direct: dirigir.

Get rave reviews: conseguir críticas muy favorables.

Last: durar.

Main character: protagonista, personaje principal.

Nominate for an Oscar: nominar a un Óscar.... Continue reading "Film Terminology: Genres, Adjectives, and More" »

Film Techniques Glossary

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Camera Work

Camera work involves various techniques to convey meaning and emotions. These include:

  • High/Low Angles: Used to show dominance or inferiority.
  • Point of View/Over the Shoulder Shots: Encourage audience identification with the character.
  • Camera Movement: Suggests character's state, such as fast-paced or anxious.
  • Two Shots: Emphasize the relationship between characters.
  • Zoom: For emphasis.
  • Close-Ups: Capture emotions and reactions.
  • Long/Establishing Shots: Show setting and costumes.

Common camera shots include establishing shot, master shot, close-up, mid-shot, long shot, wide shot, two-shot, aerial shot, point of view shot, over the shoulder shot, high angle, low angle, canted angle.

Camera movements include pan, tilt, track, crane, Steadicam,... Continue reading "Film Techniques Glossary" »

Understanding Film Editing: Techniques and Terminology

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Continuity - This is the kind of logic implied between edited shots, their principle of coherence and organization.

The Five Basic Styles of Editing:

The Sequence Shot

- A single lengthy shot that usually involves complex staging and camera movements. This is the least manipulative style because it contains no editing at all.

Cutting to Continuity Shot

- This is a type of editing in which the shots are arranged to preserve the fluidity of an action without showing all of it. It’s an unobtrusive condensation of a continuous action. It condenses the time and space of a completed action. This style of editing was devised in the early 20th century.

Classical Cutting

- This is a style of editing which was developed by D.W. Griffith, in which a sequence
... Continue reading "Understanding Film Editing: Techniques and Terminology" »

Barbie Movie Review: Margot Robbie Shines in a Feminist Take

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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*Barbie* Movie Review: Margot Robbie Shines in a Feminist Take

A Deep Dive into Barbieland and Beyond

Barbie, directed by Greta Gerwig, brings the iconic doll to life in a refreshing cinematic experience. The film stars Margot Robbie as the titular Barbie, alongside Ryan Gosling as Ken, and, naturally, all the types of Barbie you can imagine. Barbie lives an ideal life in Barbieland. Everything is perfect there, with parties full of music and color, and every day is the best day.

Of course, Barbie asks herself some uncomfortable questions that don't fit with the idyllic world in which she and the other Barbies live. When Barbie realizes that she is able to place her heels on the ground and have flat feet, she decides to put on some shoes and travel... Continue reading "Barbie Movie Review: Margot Robbie Shines in a Feminist Take" »