Workshop Workload and Production Capacity Management

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Workshop Planning and Control


Planning aims to coordinate workload with available resources and equipment to perform the required services in production, or the quantity and quality required, at the lowest cost and meeting the deadline.


Methods, order, time > budget OR > acceptance > delivery term.


The workload is the amount of work available for the workshop, consisting of the OR already issued and accepted by clients.

Production Capacity

Production capacity is the amount of work that the workshop can perform based on available operators, equipment, and facilities.

The workload can be defined in a working or time to implement and scale, or are uncertain about working with an open OR work involving a diagnostic on the vehicle. Or a work begun to be standing to pursue a hidden or it fails for lack of parts.

Types of Workload

  • Running: The quantity of work already started.
  • Planned: The quantity that is assigned a start date.
  • Ships: Quantity that is the estimated execution time.
  • Provided: Budgeted work, but without confirmation that it will be undertaken.
  • Blocked: The quantity that is running but for some reason is stopped.
  • Reserved: Percentage of production capacity that is left free for urgent or unexpected work.
  • Advance or Delay: The load that has been made more or less in a given period.

Production Capacity

The production capacity can vary based on operator availability or assistance.

  • Theoretical Production Capacity: Total potential labor hours that can be performed according to the number of operators.
  • Real Production Capacity: Total real disposable hours for operators in the workshop. These are the hours of actual presence in the workshop.

Conducting Workload Planning

The process of conducting workload planning is to allocate the orders that are accepted to operators so that they remain balanced.

On a sheet of citations is the time, tuition, or number, or time, operator.

From the time box, two parameters depend on basic planning:

  • Defines the workload we are running for the workshop and goes against the capacity of producers to see if that quote is assigned that day or another.
  • Adding the time or the date of receipt and we get the delivery time.

To go by adjusting the workload recorded on the sheet of citations with the production capacity, we can use a tab (sheet load control):

  • Hours Available: The hours of work to be undertaken by the operator are recorded.
  • Busy Times: It records the number of hours we work, setting appointments on the sheet.

Launch of Work

The launch of work is the issue or question.

Monitoring Progress

Monitoring progress implies:

  • Canceling appointments on the sheet and sheet load control appointments canceled.
  • Readjusting the distribution of work for cancellations.

The planning graph is to express in a graphic production capacity of the workshop, put on one axis and the hours available in the other MOD operators.

Marking Time Operators

To know the actual production capacity of the workshop every day when they have completed the OR, as well as the time spent in the execution of each repair, the times should be checked by marking or signed by the operator of:

  • Check-in/Check-out of the workshop.
  • Hour start/end OR.

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