Words and Definitions: A Vocabulary Deep Dive

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Abrasives: Reduce to Ashes

INS: Burn, burn up, roast, char.

ANT: Cool, freeze, turn off.

Embrace: Surrounding with Arms

INS: Gird, wrap, shake, host.

ANT: Loose, disengage, release.

Stalk: Watching, Waiting with Caution

INS: Monitor, spy, sight, look.

ANT: Disregard, neglect, forget, ignore.

Creep: Placing Snares, Traps

INS: Ambush, conspiracy, betrayal.

ANT: Reality, existence, authenticity, certitude.

Asar: Cook by Fire or Heat

INS: Scorch, sear, roast, steak.

ANT: Freeze, cool, refrigerate.

Azar: Unforeseen Events

INS: Luck, contingency, serendipity, accident.

ANT: Evidence, certainty, event, fact.

Kill: Deliberately Take Someone's Life

INS: Liquidate, remove, clear, stone.

ANT: Rebirth, cure, revive, relieve.

Acecinos: Salted and Smoked Meats

INS: Seasoning, spice, garnish.

ANT: Bland, tasteless, insipid.

Caress: Affectionate Demonstrations

INS: Hug, cuddle, mime, caress.

ANT: Hit, strike, thump, reverse.

Carisio: Nightly Parties in Ancient Greece

INS: Holiday, party, celebration, revelry.

ANT: Funeral, wake, Mass.

Casar: To Enter into Marriage

INS: Marry, join, link.

ANT: Separate, divorce, unpair.

Hunt: Capturing Birds or Animals

INS: Lasso, capture, captivate, acquire.

ANT: Adopt, protect, defend, accept.

Cauce: Riverbed

INS: Basin, flow, channel, edge.

ANT: Occlude, close, plug.

Cause: To Produce Something or Initiate It

INS: Lead, generate.

ANT: Complete, conclude, finish.

Bait: Food Given to Attract Animals

INS: Lure, bait, carrion.

ANT: Rabbit, deer, hare, fox.

Sebo: Fat Removed from Animals

INS: Butter, ointment, bacon grease.

ANT: Any vegetable.

Lisp: Pronounce the Letter S and C Incorrectly

INS: Wander, confuse, fail.

ANT: Hit, achieve, decipher.

Sesear: Pronounce C or Z as S

INS: Cacophony, discord, disharmony, dissonance.

ANT: Harmony, assonance, agreement, affinity.

Cede: To Voluntarily Give Up Something

INS: Withdraw, transfer, endorse.

ANT: Take, remove, receive, tighten.

Headquarters: Capital Diocese

INS: Council, synod, seminary, Mass.

ANT: Concert, party.

Cenar: To Eat the Last Meal of the Day

INS: Dinner, feast.

ANT: Breakfast, snack, lunch.

Senator: Member of the Senate

INS: Assemblyman, representative, congressman, legislator.

ANT: President, executive, governor, deputy.

Ceso: Action Discontinued

INS: Finish, conclude, terminate, stop.

ANT: Start, begin.

Seso: Most Developed Part of the Brain

INS: Brain, cerebellum, hypothalamus, pituitary.

ANT: Nail, hand, skin, arm.

Cien: Ten Times Ten

INS: One hundred, hundred, number.

ANT: Thousand, million, trillion.

Sien: The Side of the Forehead

INS: Temporal side.

ANT: Façade, front.

Cima: The Top of Mountains and Hills

INS: Top, apex, climax, crest.

ANT: Base, bottom, foundation, floor.

Sima: Deep Underground Cavity

INS: Well, chasm, ravine, ditch.

ANT: Ridge, peak, height.

Ceras: Candle Wax

INS: Candle, lamp, wax candle.

ANT: Bulb, light bulb, lamp, electricity.

Sirio: Relating to Syria

INS: Dialect, Roman, Guarani, Mapudungun.

ANT: Language, Spanish, English, Italian.

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