Word-Building: Noun, Verb, and Adjective Prefixes
Classified in Medicine & Health
Written at on English with a size of 979 bytes.
Trans - across
Re - again
Super - big / more than normal
Extra - outside
Hyper - very big / much more than normal
Anti - against
Pro - in favour of
- Overeat: eat too much
- Unpaid: not paid enough
- Ex-girlfriend: former girlfriend
- Under-charge: por debajo
- Pro-European: europeo a tope
- Intercontinental o transcontinental:
- Anti-war: anti guerra
- Superstar: superestrella
- Retaking: volver a hacer
- Supermarket
We sometimes use a hyphen (-) after a prefix, especially when:
- The prefix ends with the same letter that the word begins with.
- The word is a name, which begins with a capital letter.
- After the prefix ex-.