Web Analytics and Digital Marketing Metrics

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The sequence of hyperlinks one or more website visitors follows on a given site, presented in the order viewed. Click paths take call data and can match it to ad sources, keywords, and/or referring domains to capture data. Clickstream analysis is useful for web activity analysis, software testing, market research, and analyzing employee productivity.

Web Metrics


Number of users who have visited your website during a set time. These visits can be new or returning visits.

Unique Visitors

Unique users are unique browsers that have accessed your site, identified by unique cookie IDs.

Page Views

Number of times pages have been viewed on a website.

Bounce Rate

A visitor enters the page and leaves from the same page without carrying out any other action.

Exit Rate

Measures how many people left your website from a certain page in relation to all visits to that page.

Conversion Rate

Outcomes divided by unique visitors/visits. An outcome is any action that you want the user to do when they visit your site.


It is critical to mix quantitative and qualitative data to get the correct insight.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

A KPI is a metric that tells you how you are progressing towards your business goals and will allow you to take corrective actions. Just because a metric exists, doesn’t make it useful.


The purpose of segmentation is to define and focus on a specific “slice” of your site visitors to take action and leverage your digital strategy to improve performance. Segmentation is grouping your metrics into sub-sets of data according to different attributes.

Macro Conversions

are the actions a user can take that represent the primary objective of your website. For example, in an e-commerce website, making a purchase.

ABO = Acquisition, Behaviour & Outcomes. (DMMM)


How can I measure their effectiveness? Which metrics should I look at?

  • Organic Search: Which keywords are driving traffic to my site? How can I optimize this?
  • Paid Search: Which paid keywords are driving most traffic to my site?
  • Direct: bookmarked or typed in by user
  • Referral: sent to us by another site
  • Social: from social networks
  • Display: Banner ad campaigns
  • Affiliates: our affiliate network (sales commission network)


  • What should we watch out for?
  • Time on page?
  • Bounce rate?
  • Repeat visits?
  • Check popular pages coincide with campaign strategy
  • Do results tally with our objectives?


  • For outcomes, we have to revisit the Macro + Micro conversions sections.
  • And filter our reports to see if our activity driving conversions / outcomes for our site

The Digital Measurement and Marketing Model (DMMM) is a tool and 5-step process to ensure your marketing and communications priorities are rooted in your business objectives. (identify goals and objectives, set parameters of success, identify segment of people and write kpi´s)

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