Vocabulary and Phrases for Travel, Health, and Fashion

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Demanding: adj. needing a lot of effort and skill. Flustered: adj. nervous and confused, especially because you have been given a lot to do or are in a hurry Bizarre: adj. very strange or unusual Think on their feet: to be able to think and react to things very quickly without any preparation Approach: noun. A way of doing or thinking about something. Rather than: phrase. Instead of Crush: verb. To destroy somebody’s confidence Recruitment agency: noun, a specialist company which finds and interviews candidates to fill job vacancies in other companies. Job seekers: noun. People who are looking for a job. Flapping: verb, moving sth quickly up and down, e.g. wings Spot on: the right answer Paid-back: devolver  Weird: raro Spooky concidence: miedoso Big-headed: arrogante Self-confidence: seguro de si mismo Well-balanced bad-tempereted good-tempereted open-minded narrow-minded absent-minded: despistado easy-going: enrollado laid-back: tranquilo tigh-fisted: tacaño two faced strong-willed: decidido seld-centred: egocentrico Tight Loose Sleeveless Short sleeved V-neck Hoded Plin Stripped Patterned Spotted Checked A cotton vest Denim waistcoat: xaleco tejano Fur collar Lace top Linen suit: traje Lycra swimsuit: bnyador Silk scarf: fular seda Velvet bow tie: pajarilla Wool cardigan: jaqueta de iaio Leather sandals: sandalias Suede boots Very trendy Really fashionable Stylish Sruffy: espantoso Smart: elegante Old-fashoned Dress up: arreglarse Hang up: penjar Fit: no talla bien Suits: et queda be Matches : combina Get changed : cambiarse d eropa Get undressed: ir al baño Gt dressed: levantarse Go with: no combiner Tumour: group of cells Miracle cures Corazon Surgery: Pulse:  pulsaciones


Airport terminal Bag drop off Baggage reclaim Check-in-desk Customs Departures board Gate: on ensenyes els pasaaport Runway Security VIP lounge  Aisle: en las puntas Cabin crew Seat belts: cinturon seguridad Connecting-flight Turbulence Direct flights jet lag Long-haul flights Journey: temps que tens de viatge Travel : verbo Trip : noun Check in : comprar Dropped off: dejar Got on: pujar took off: despegar filled in: augmenter got off: aterrar picked up: coger Choking: asfixia, ahogo, estrangulamiento Lean them backwards: inclinarle para atrás Burn: cremar Bleeding: sangrado Press on the wound: presionar sobre la herida Treat: tartar Nose bleed: sangrado nasal Pinch: apretar con un pañuelo la nariz (pelliscar) Collapsed: derrumbarse, caerse, desmayarse Bandage: benda cought: tos headache (earache, stomach ache, toothache, etc.) : dolor de cabeza rash: erupción temperatura: fiebre Sunburn: quemado del sol She’s being sick/ she’s vomiting: encontrarse mal, vomitar sneezing: refredada ankle swollen: tobillo salido back hurts: espalda adolorida back aches: espalda adolorida finger is bleeding: su dedo esta sangrando Diarrhoea Feels sick: encontrarse mal Fainted (desmayo) Blister: (ampolla) Cold Flu: (gripe) Dizzy: (mareado) Cut himself: he’s bleeding. Unconscious: inconcient Allergic Twisted his ankle: torcer Sprained his ankle: torcer (high-low) blood pressure Food poisoning: comida caducada Choking: ofegar-se Burnt: mullar-se un mateix Passed out: desmayarse Lie down: poner el cuerpo en horizontal Throw up: vomits, be sick Get over: get better Came round: become conscious again Life-threatening: sth. Very serious Mouth ulcer:  erpes Alternative remedies: herbal medicine Under the weather: not feeling very well Cancer:Infection Hear rate: velocidad latidos

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