Vocabulary for Various Interests and Activities
Classified in Physics
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Vocab. 1
- go shopping
- hang out (penjar)
- listen to music
- play computer games
- read a magazine
- surf the net (navegar)
- watch sport on TV
- dull (avorrit)
- enjoyable (agradable)
- exciting
- frustrating
- interesting
- relaxing
- average (mitjana)
- correlation
- less than half (menys de la meitat)
- majority
- minority
- percentage
- survey (enquesta)
Vocab. 2
- adventure
- characters (personatges)
- context
- fantasy
- legend
- myth (mite)
- plot (trama)
- scene
- science fiction
- sript (guió)
- story
- tale (conte)
- angry
- comical
- courageous
- cowardly
- resourceful (ingeniós)
- sentimental
- spiteful (malèvol)
- genre
- metaphore
- moral
- setting (configuració)
- simile
- synopsis
- check over (revisar)
- come to
- come up with (presentar)
- work at
- go back to
- get across
- turn over (entregar)
- write down (apuntar-se)
- carefully
- completely
- convincingly
- daringly (atrevidament)
- easily
- eventuallly
- extensively
- patiently
- quietly
- secretly
- surprisingly
- tragically
Vocab. 3
- BMX biking
- mountain biking
- rollerbladin
- running
- snowboarding
- swimming
- balance
- bone strenght (força òssea)
- breathig
- concentration
- coordination
- flexibility
- muscle tone
- stamina (resistencia)
- weight gain (engreixarse)
- weight loss (aprimarse)
- DO: abdominal exercice
- martial arts
- pilates
- weight training
- GO: cycling
- jogging
- rollerblading
- skiing
- PLAY: basketball
- sore (dolor)
- hurt (ferir)
- painful (doloros)
- pulled muscle (muscul estirat)
- sprain (esquinç)
- stretching (extensio)
- tender (ofert)
- workout
- warm down
- warm up
- disabled (discapacitat)
- dishonest (deshonest)
- illicit (ilict)
- impossible
- improbable
- inflexible
- intolerant
- irresistible
- irresponsible
- unfair (injust)
- unlimited
- unusual
Vocab. 4
- analogue
- bass clef (clau de fa)
- beat (golpejar)
- classical music
- concert
- digital
- gig (concert)
- group
- live album
- lyrics
- melody
- pop music
- rhythm (ritme)
- solo artist
- studio album
- treble clef (clau de sol)
- tune (melodia)
- words (lletra)
- amplify
- bland (amable)
- catchy (pegadizo)
- challenging (desafiant)
- compose
- deafening (ensordesedor)
- ear-splitting (ensordesedor)
- hight-pitched (agut)
- mix
- perform (realitzar)
- piercing
- record (registre)
- relaxing
- soothing (calmant)
- thought-provoking (convidar a la reflexió)
- turn up(aparèixer)
- uninteresting (poc interessant)
- auditory nerve (nervi auditiu)
- cochlea (còclea)
- communicate (comunicarse)
- convert
- eardrum (timpà)
- inner ear (oida interna)
- middle ear
- outer ear
Vocab. 5
- energy efficiency
- insulation (aillament)
- recycling
- solar panel
- traffic jam
- building
- emission
- government (govern)
- reduction
- saving
- cut down (reduir)
- give off (emetre)
- give up (renunciar)
- run out (esgotar)
- throw away
- carbon emissions
- carbon footprint (petjada de corbó)
- CO2 contribution
- greenhouse gases (gasos defecte hivernacle)
- measure
- offsetting (compensant)
- quantify
- avoid talking (evitar parlar)
- keep improving(seguir millorant)
- enjoy going up
- miss seeing (deixar de veure)
- used to consuming
- get used to consuming
- learn to respect
- choose to destroy
- choose to save
- plan to reduce
- want to make
Vocab. 6
- aeroplane
- android (androide)
- black hole
- communication satellite
- electricity
- invisibility cloak (capa d'invisib.)
- precognition
- relativity
- spaceship (astronau)
- submarine
- teleportation (teletransport)
- telescope
- time travel
- astronomer
- astronomy
- invent/or
- invest/or (invertir/inversor)
- law/lawyer (llei, abogat)
- philosophy/er
- physics/ist
- politics/ian
- research/er
- bring about (produir)
- find out (descobrir)
- look into (mirar dins)
- make up (fer)
- point out (senyalar)
- put forward (presentar)
Vocab. 7
- art dealer (comerciant dart)
- exhibition
- masterpiece
- painting
- postmodernism
- prehistoric
- renaissance
- sculptor
- surrealism
- canvas (tela)
- easel (cavallet)
- frame (marc)
- lansdscape (paisatge
- portrait (retrat)
- two-dimensional
- background (2n planol)
- centre of interest
- composition
- foreground
- mood (humor)
- perspective
- technique