Vocabulary and Grammar Essentials for Language Learners

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Vocabulary and Grammar Essentials

General Vocabulary

Advertisements: anuncis publicitaris, articles: articles, audio: àudio, author: autor, autobiography: autobiografia; biography: biografía; bookshop: llibreria; campaign: campanya; cartoons: dibuixos animats; classic: un classic; comedy: comedia; comic book: comic; communication: comunicació; cookbook: llibre de cuina; detective fiction: novela policiaca; dictionary: diccionari; digital version: versio digital; e-book: llibre electronic; essay: assaig; fable: faula; fiction: ficcio; headlines: titulars; horror story: historia de terror; ingredients: ingredients; library: biblioteca; magazine: revista; maps: mapes; mystery: misteri; newspaper: diari; novel: novela; places to stay: jocs per estar-se; play: obra de teatre, tocar un instrument, poetry: poesia; read: llegir; recipes: receptes; recommendation: recomanacio; reviews: critiques; rhyme: rimar; science fiction: ciencia ficcio; speech bubbles: bafarades d’historieta; travel guide: guia de viatge; writer: escriptor.

Health Vocabulary

Ache: dolor; catch a cold: agafar un refredat; check up: reconeixement médic; cold: refredat; contagious: contagios; cough: tos; disease: malaltia; dizzy: mareijat; fatal: mortal; feel sick: sentir-se mareijat; feel tired: sentir-se cansat; fever: febre; fit: sa; flu: grip; get better: millorar; have the flu: tenir la grip; headache: mal de cap; health food: menjar sa; heart attack: infart; illness: malaltia; injury: ferida; medical research: investigacio medica; melanoma: melanoma; nurse: infermer; nutritionist: nutricionista dietista; optician: optic; pain: dolor; plaster: tireta; prescription: recepta medica; skin: pell; smoke: fumar; sore throat: mal de coll; stress: estrés; surgeon: cirurgia; thermometer: termometre; toothache: mal de queixals; treat: tractar; upset stomach: molesties a l’estomac.

Nouns from Adjectives

Absent: absence, abundant: abundance, creative: creativity; dark: darkness; different: difference; efficient: efficiency; enormous: enormity; equal: equality; formal: formality; great: greatness; happy: happiness; humid: humidity; ill: illness; important: importance; intelligent: intelligence; light: lightness; popular: popularity; present: presence; short: shortness; similar: similarity; stupid: stupidity, urgent: urgency; weak: weakness.

Nouns from Verbs

Appear: appearance; approve: approval; arrive: arriving; begin: beginning; build: building; construct: construction; dedicate: dedication; develop: development; engineer: engineering; embarrass: embarrassment; enter: entrance; excite: excitement; fail: failing; feel: feeling; ignore: ignorance; improve: improvement; invent: invention; learn: learning; mean: meaning; medicate: medication; obsess: obsession; operate: operation; perform: performance; populate: population; preserve: preserving; protect: protecting; refuse: refusal; survive: survival; treat: treatment.

Present Perfect Simple and Continuous

Present perfect simple: te diu quan has fet l’acció

My parents have sold the television because they want us to read more.

I haven’t read a book since last month. He has worked in this library for 3 years. My father has won the lottery.

Continuous: quan un te diu la duraccio de la accio. My sister has been working as a bank. I’ve only been learning Italian for. How long have you been playing the piano. We have been cleaning the house. Olivia has been singing in a band. We have been writing for the bus.

Relative Pronouns

Smoking is a habit which/that can cause harm. Pablo is a doctor who/that works at la FE. The woman whose husband... A gym is a room which/that has equipment.

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