Vocabulary for Everyday Life
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all or nothing risking. everything
alternative.different from what is usual or traditional
awesome. estupendo/impresionante
backing track .grabación de fondo
be sick of .sb/sth to be annoyed and bored with a person or situation
bleak. dark, depressing
brilliant .excelente
chilling. escalofriante/espeluznante
commodity .mercancía
create a stir. causar revuelo
creepy. escalofriante/espeluznante
do's and don'ts .things that you should and should not do
dull .aburrido/soso
electrifying. very exciting
(every) now and then/now and again .sometimes
fast-paced .vertiginoso/acelerado
flop. a film, show, etc. .that is not successful/fracaso
for a song. very cheaply
freebbie. when you don't pay for sth
geek. a peculiar person
giggle .nervous laughter
give and take .when each person agrees to do some of the things that the other person wants
give or take .more or less/to within
gripping. fascinante, apasionante
ground-breaking. innovador, pionero
guts. entrails
heckler espectador .que molesta
hit or miss .unplanned
horrific. horrible/espantoso
hype .when sth is talked about a lot on TV
involve. suponer
knack. ability
leaps and bounds. very much, very quickly
letdown. sth that disappoints you
life or death. extremely important
loner. solitario
mainstream. convencional, dominante
money launderers. blanqueadores de dinero
moving. emotivo
must-see. sth you must see
off and on/on and off. for short periods of time but not regularly
on and on. used to say that sb continues to do sth
one way or another. somehow
outlook. opinion
peace and quiet. when everyth is quiet and calm
poignant. conmovedor/ enternecedor/emotivo
predictable. predecible/previsible
prop. aid, support (object of atrezzo)
the pros and cons. the advantages and disadvantages
rarity. that doesn't happen or exist very often
rave reviews. positive criticism
restraint. constraint or reserve in feelings, behavior, etc.
rough and ready. not perfect, but good enough
sell-out. all the tickets for the concert/film... have been sold
showy. pompous, ostentatious
sink or swim. fail or succeed
slot. hueco, espacio)
sooner or later. eventually
stand-up (comedian). (humorista) de monólogos
steady. firme, estable
take it or leave it. the offer won't change
through and through. completely
to blow your own trumpet. to talk about positivey about yourself
to change your tune. to suddenly change your opinion
to drum up. to get (support or attention) through making a lot of effort
to face the music. to accept responsibility
to fiddle with. to touch or play with sth in a nervous way
to play second fiddle. to take a less important role
to ring a bell. to remind sb of sth, sound familiar
to seek. to try to get or find sth
to trace. seguir la pista
touching. emocionante/conmovedor
unforgettable. inolvidable
ups and downs. the good and bad things that happen in life, business, etc.
weak. débil/flojo