Vocabulary Builder: 35 Essential Words with Definitions
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Vocabulary Builder: 35 Essential Words
1. Agonized
Manifesting, suffering, or characterized by great physical or mental pain.
2. Ample
Large and accommodating.
3. Assent
The expression of approval or agreement.
4. Befall
(Of something bad) happen to someone.
5. Chariots
A two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle used in ancient warfare and racing.
6. Conceive
Become pregnant with (a child). Form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind.
7. Cordial
Friendly, warm.
8. Dews
Moisture condensed from the atmosphere, especially at night, and deposited in the form of small drops upon any cool surface.
9. Divine
Of, from, or like God or a god.
10. Doe
Female deer.
11. Foe
An enemy or opponent.
12. Gossamer
Used to refer to something very light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate.
13. Gown
A long dress, typically having a close-fitting bodice and a flared or flowing skirt, worn on formal occasions.
14. Haste
Excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry.
15. Keepsakes
A small item kept in memory of the person who gave it or originally owned it.
16. Kneeling
Supported by knees
17. Leisure
Opportunity afforded by free time to do something.
18. Mat
A piece of protective material placed on a floor, in particular.
19. Onset
The beginning of something, especially something unpleasant
20. Prevail
Prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious.
21. Quivering
Tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion.
22. Roam
Move about or travel aimlessly or unsystematically, especially over a wide area.
23. Sorest
Painful or aching
24. Sovereign
A sovereign state or country is independent and not under the authority of any other country.
25. Straightway
26. Starkest
Severe or bare in appearance or outline.
27. Stir
Move a spoon or other implement around in (a liquid or other substance) in order to mix it thoroughly.
28. Strains
Force (a part of one's body or oneself) to make a strenuous or unusually great effort. Pour (a mainly liquid substance) through a porous or perforated device or material in order to separate out any solid matter.
29. Strove
Make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
30. Stumbling
Tripping or losing one's balance while walking; moving with difficulty.
31. Surmised
Suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.
32. Tippet
A long ceremonial scarf worn especially by the clergy.
33. Unveil
Remove a veil or covering from, especially uncover.
34. Vesuvian
Noun. A slow-burning match formerly used for lighting cigars; a fuse. Adjective. Marked by sudden or violent outbursts: a vesuvian temper.
35. Wring
Squeeze and twist (something) to force liquid from it.