Verb to Be, Family, Clothes, and More in English
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Verb To Be: Present Simple
The verb "to be" is fundamental in English. Here's its present simple form:
Personal Pronoun | Verb To Be (+) | Short Form (+) | Verb To Be (-) | Short Form (-) | Interrogative |
I | am | I'm | am not | - | Am I? |
You | are | You're | are not | Aren't | Are you? |
He | is | He's | is not | Isn't | Is he? |
She | is | She's | is not | Isn't | Is she? |
It | is | It's | is not | Isn't | Is it? |
We | are | We're | are not | Aren't | Are we? |
You | are | You're | are not | Aren't | Are you? |
They | are | They're | are not | Aren't | Are they? |
Adverbs of Frequency
These words describe how often something happens:
- 0%: Never
- 20%: Rarely
- 50%: Sometimes
- 70%: Often
- 90%: Usually
- 100%: Always
Family Members
Here are some common family words in English and Spanish:
- Aunt - Tía
- Brother - Hermano
- Children - Niño (Note: "Children" is plural. The singular is "Child")
- Cousin - Primo/a
- Daughter - Hija
- Father - Padre
- Grandfather - Abuelo
- Grandmother - Abuela
- Husband - Esposo
- Mother - Madre
- Niece - Sobrina
- Parents - Padres
- Sister - Hermana
- Son - Hijo
- Stepfather - Padrastro
- Stepmother - Madrastra
- Uncle - Tío
- Wife - Esposa
Likes and Dislikes
- Love - Amar
- Like - Gustar
- Dislike - Disgustar (More commonly used: "Don't like")
- Hate - Odiar
Describing Clothes
Use this structure to describe what someone is wearing:
Person + verb to be + wearing + a/an + color + clothing item
Use "a" before consonant sounds, and "an" before vowel sounds.
Verb "Have"
The verb "to have" indicates possession.
I, You, We, They: Have
He, She, It: Has
Clothes Vocabulary
- Belt - Cinturón
- Blouse - Blusa
- Boots - Botas
- Cap - Gorra
- Coat - Saco
- Dress - Vestido
- Glasses - Lentes
- Gloves - Guantes
- Handbag - Bolso
- Hat - Sombrero
- Hoodie - Sudadera
- Jacket - Chaqueta
- Jeans - Vaqueros
- Jumper - Suéter (UK English)
- Scarf - Bufanda
- Shirt - Camisa
- Shoes - Zapatos
- Shorts - Pantalones cortos
- Skirt - Falda
- Suit - Traje
- Swimsuit - Traje de baño
- Tie - Corbata
- Tracksuit - Conjunto (Sportswear)
- Trousers - Pantalones
- T-shirt - Camiseta