Untangling Common Misconceptions in Modern Society
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The Language of the Gypsy
C (it is clear that the Gypsy originally menja from India ..), b, a, d, b, b, c, b
Aw-Learning Dog
D (fast mapping), b, b, a, c, d, c, a
Kill a Snail
D (have cared) a, b, a, c, b, b, c
Right to Vote
B (thanks to) b, a, c, a, d, b, d
C (have better) c, b, a, c, a, d, b
Teacher, Change Life
D (Tregui recently) d, d, a, b, c, d, c
Chinese School
A (much better) c, b, c, c, d, b, b
Why Kids Bully
C (for no apparent) a, a, c, d, d, a, b
A (more people) a, a, b, c, a, a, a
Death Sites: How To
D (keep ), c, b, a, c, a, c, d
Living in Harmony
C (a dry), d, a, b, d, c, c, a
What the Au Pair Saw
C (what), b, a, d, b, a, b, d
The Camino de Santiago
C (and a), a, b, d, d, a, c, d
Digital and Traditional Tools
D (thinks personal), b, a, a, c, d, a, d
Toxic Friends
C (a Gelen who can) c, b, c, d, d, c, c
Modern Slavery
C (very), d, c, c, d, c, c, a
Is Text Mesa
A (a), d, d, b, a, d, d, b
Sweet as Sugar
B (not), a, b, b, a, b, c, a
Threatened Prehistoric
C (is the), e, d, c, a, c, d, b
Internet Revives
A (Maiko), c, b, a, d, c, b, a
Organic Farming
B (wanted to) c, c, d, c, a, b, c
Over Half of Europe
C (due) c, b, b, b, a, b, d
Arranged Marriages
D (are unusual) a, a, d, b, c, b, a
Degrowth: When Less Is More
C (people consuming less than at) d, b, a, d, c, d, a
Teen Spirit: The Secret Life
C (because he has) a, a, c, a, a, b, b
Members of Parliament
A (tobacco will not) c, a, a, a, a, b, a
List: Save the Animals
B (most) d, c, b, a, c, b, d
D (even) c, a, b, c, b, b, d
C (between) d, d, b, b, a, b, c
Journalism in the Slaughterhouse
D (the high) b, a, b, c, c, b, a
C (just over) a, b, b, c, c, a, c
C (to impress) d, d, b, b, a, b, c
Is Hollywood in Crisis?
B (up), d, c, c, b, b, d, c
Living in Greenland: Interview with Steven Spencer
C (has), d, b, d, b, a, d, d
Lost... or Maybe Not: John Craven
B (born), d, d, d, c, d, a, b
Michael Palin
D (he), a, b, c, a, d, c, a
Better World
B (the excessive use of coal and oil), c, b, a, c, d, b, d
The Best Seller Connection
B (you), c, c, a, b, a, c, a
No Longer Just Child's Play
A (has gone up), b, c, c, d, b, a, d
Meeting an Old Friend
B (her parents sold the house and moved), d, c, a, b, c, b, d
Ruth Maonrama
B (be getting 90,000), a, c, d, d, a, c, b
- Annoyed: Enfadat
- Avoid: Evitar
- Crowded: Ple de gom a gom
- Deal: Tracte
- Forbidden: Prohibit
- Gather: Reunirse
- Hesitate: Vacil·lar
- Knock over: Cop fort / Atropella
- Matter: Assumpte
- Miss out on: Perdre's alguna cosa
- Put away: Guardar
- Signal: Senyalar
- Allow: Permetre
- As long as: Mentre
- Beg: Pregar
- Boarding school: Internat
- Burst into tears: Posar-se a plorar
- Collapse: Enfonsar-se
- Confident: Segur de tu mateix
- Cope with: Plantar cara
- Dare: Atrevir-se
- Harsh: Dur
- Graceful: Flexible
- Punishment: Càstig
- Tidy: Endreçat
- Ban: Prohibit
- Charm: Atractiu
- Command: Comandament
- Deserve: Merèixer
- Devise: Idear
- Enable: Permetre
- Expel: Expulsar
- Hop: Saltar a peu coix
- Insane: Boig
- Overcome: Superar
- Proficient: Competent
- Run counter to: Oposar-se a
- Self-consciousness: Timidesa
- Throughout: A per tot
- Up coming: Proper
- Yell: Xisclar
- Assortment: Col·lecció
- Bottom line: Balanç final
- Commit a crime: Cometre un delicte
- Crave: Anhelar
- Disruptive: Pertorbador
- Drop: Descendir
- Enrol: Matricular-se
- Imbalance: Desequilibri
- Inmate: Pres
- Lack: No tenir
- Level: Nivell
- Liable: Propens
- Measure: Mesurar
- Nourishing: Nutritiu
- Pill: Pastilla
- Point out: Assenyalar
- Rage: Ira
- Rate: Índex
- Remarkable: Notable
- Ruin: Arruïnar
- Severe: Greu
- Staff: Empleats
- Sweat: Suar
- Treat: Tractar
- Afford: Permetre's
- All in all: En general
- Cheer: Aclamar
- Clap: Aplaudir
- Convincingly: Convincent
- Currently: Actualment
- Devoted: Dedicat
- Equipment: Equip
- First-rate: De primera
- Front-row seats: Seients de primera fila
- Go broke: Arruïnar-se
- Look down on: Mirar de dalt a baix
- Mainstream: Normal
- Might as well: Podria també
- Mimic: Imitar
- Move to tears: Emocionar-se
- Name after: Posar el nom de
- No longer: Ja no
- On stage: En escena
- Perform: Actuar
- Profitable: Rendible
- Remain: Romandre
- Rewarding: Gratificant
- Unknown: Desconegut
- Weird: Estranya
- Well worth: Valer la pena
- Witness: Veure, presenciar
- Wreck: Destrossar
- Above all: Sobretot
- Abroad: Estranger
- Apply for: Sol·licitar
- Come along: Arribar
- Dock: Port
- Faraway: Llunyà
- Fortnight: 15 dies
- Get off: Baixar
- Pour down: Ploure molt
- Regret: Penedir-se
- Roasting: Abrasador
- Sail away: Salpar
- Slight: Lleuger
- Straight: Tot dret
- Summon: Cridar
- Term: Trimestre
- Terrific: Estupenda
- Turn out: Resultar
- Virtually: Pràcticament