Unit Test 3 Level 2: Vocabulary and Grammar

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Unit Test 3 Level 2



  • 1. Prevented 6. Wealthy
  • 2. Purchased 7. Called off
  • 3. Disease 8. Doubtful
  • 4. Increased 9. Venue
  • 5. Talked back


  • 1. Huge hit 5. Lucky break
  • 2. Join 6. Improve
  • 3. Compete 7. Provide
  • 4. Contestants 8. Fascinating



  • 1. Had / got … painted 5. Had spread
  • 2. Would continue 6. Will have set
  • 3. Hasn’t met 7. Hadn’t lost
  • 4. Will … be selected


  1. I haven’t eaten chocolate for six months.
  2. How long have you been running marathons?
  3. Sally admitted losing / that she had lost my camera.
  4. Our photos were taken by a photographer. / We had/got our photos taken.


  1. By the time the bus arrived, I’d been waiting (for) an hour.
  2. He couldn’t remember where he had left his phone.
  3. Had the table been set?
  4. (They) Don’t keep their rooms tidy.
  5. They had not / never been abroad.
  6. To stand up.

Unit Test 3 Optional Reading

1 d


  1. F – “It has attracted audiences of up to 600 million viewers – the most for any televised event excluding sports events.”
  2. T – “First, they hoped this would unify a continent that had been divided by World War II.”
  3. F – “Since 2000, the contest has also been available on the Internet, where it is now watched by 74 million people in over 140 countries.”


  1. Of the break-up of the Soviet Union.
  2. Are not geographically located in Europe, they’ve all participated in the Eurovision Song Contest.


  1. Because they both got their lucky break by winning the Eurovision Song Contest.
  2. They rehearse and go to parties and press conferences.


  1. Try out 4. Break-up
  2. Took part 5. Certain
  3. Went on

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