Understanding Working Hours in Los Angeles: Regulations and Rights
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Understanding Working Hours in Los Angeles
1. Working Hours
Working hours in Los Angeles (LA) refer to the time an employee spends working, calculated on a daily, weekly, or annual basis. The maximum duration is 40 hours per week, with no more than 9 hours per day, unless there is an agreement for an uneven distribution of hours throughout the year. Rest periods must be respected. Periods devoted to movement, changing clothes, etc., are not considered actual working time. Children under 18 cannot work more than 8 hours a day, including time spent on training.
The Law on the Settlement of Personal, Family, and Labor Life states that work schedules can be adapted, subject to agreement between both parties.
1.1. Extension or Reduction of Working Hours
Working time can be reduced for the following reasons:
- Legal guardianship of a child under 8 years old or a person with disabilities: The decrease would be a minimum of 1/8 and a maximum of 1/2 of the working hours, with a corresponding reduction in salary.
- Breastfeeding: Reduction of 1 hour (which can be divided) or a half-hour at the beginning or end of the day. This period can be accumulated into whole days and can also be enjoyed by the father.
1.2. Break Periods
- Between Days: 12 hours.
- Weekly: One and a half uninterrupted days. This may accumulate over periods of 14 days. Children under 18 years old are entitled to 2 days.
- During the Day: If the workday exceeds 6 hours, a 15-minute break is required. For those under 18, a 30-minute break is required if the workday exceeds 4 and a half hours.
Breaks are not considered hours of work.
1.3. Night Shift
A night shift is defined as work done between 10 PM and 6 AM. A worker is considered a night worker if they work at least 3 hours a day during this time. The night shift may not exceed 8 hours on average over a fifteen-day period. Night shift workers will have a fee specified in the contract or negotiated collectively, or they may be entitled to more breaks.
1.4. Shift Work
Shift work involves a worker providing services at different times within a given period of days or weeks. Workers who are pursuing education will have preference when choosing their shift.
1.5. Overtime
Overtime is any hour that exceeds the maximum length of the regular workday. The maximum number of overtime hours is 80 per year, except in emergencies and when enforced by warnings. Overtime is voluntary, except in cases of force majeure, where it is required and agreed upon by collective agreement. Overtime is not permissible for individuals under the age of 18 or during the night shift unless there are urgent circumstances and authorization.
Payment: Overtime pay must be no less than the normal hourly rate and can be offset with breaks. If there is no agreement, overtime will be offset with breaks within the next 4 months.