Understanding the Stages of Death and Euthanasia
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Why Inform a Patient of Their Diagnosis?
Why is there a tendency to inform the patient of their diagnosis? To settle outstanding issues that can be reconciled with certain persons and to take advantage of the rest of their life.
Stages of Acceptance of Death
Stages of acceptance of death: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
What Serves as the Negation of Illness?
What serves as the negation of illness? It is a defense mechanism to give time and to assimilate the new situation.
What Negotiations May Have a Religious Character?
What negotiations may have a religious character? Religious (rites, vows, sacrifices), magic (healers), or supernatural force.
Behaviors in the Terminal Phase of Depression
What behaviors occur in the patient in the terminal phase of depression? Wanting to end the situation as soon as possible, or seeking their own death.
Difficult Patient Communication
What behavior occurs when patient communication is difficult? Predominance of non-verbal behavior or simply being at their side.
What Happens When the Disease is Accepted?
What happens when the disease has been accepted? To return to being depressed or angry, reflecting an improvement, and going back to denying the disease.
Origin and Meaning of Euthanasia
Origin and meaning of the word euthanasia: From the Greek eu (good) thanatos (death).
What is a Good Death?
What is a good death?
Ethics: Science of morality and values.
Implications in Euthanasia
What are the implications in euthanasia? Legal, religious, medical.
Types of Euthanasia
Active Euthanasia
What is active euthanasia? It involves action aimed at causing the death of the patient.
Passive Euthanasia
And passive? Renunciation of the use of measures for life support.
Voluntary Euthanasia
Voluntary euthanasia: The patient has expressed explicitly and formally their wish for it to be applied.
Involuntary Euthanasia
Involuntary euthanasia: The patient is not capable of deciding, and the decision is taken by others.
Code of Ethics
What is the code of ethics? A set of standards governing the exercise of a profession.
Aspects to Measure in Terminal Patients
What 3 aspects should measure the AE in the terminal patient?
- If they need to be heard
- If they have family or friends
- If there is a risk of autolysis
Reactions to Death
How can the AE react when faced with situations of death? Denying and rejecting the idea of death.
Acting in the Stages of Grief
Stage of Denial
How must the AE act in the stage of denial? Provide the patient with information about their situation.
Stage of Anger
In the stage of anger: If the patient insults, avoid responding to aggression with aggression.
Stage of Negotiation
In the stage of negotiation: Respect their agreements, whether expressed or not.
Stage of Depression
In the stage of depression: Avoid making comments. Allow them to express their feelings and even encourage externalization.
Stage of Acceptance
In the stage of acceptance: Facilitate, to the extent possible, the achievement of their last wishes (wills and farewells).