Understanding Scientific Principles: Objectivity, Systems, and Atoms
Classified in Chemistry
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Science is a vast enterprise involving human effort to acquire solid, ascertainable truth. It is seen as a series of actions designed to obtain verifiable facts and is synonymous with social activity.
Objectivity originates from the word "object," referring to what is being discussed or investigated. It means attempting to obtain knowledge that accords with the reality of the object, describing or explaining it as it is, not as we want it to be.
Rationale refers to the use of reason in science to obtain essential results. Scientists work with concepts of reasoning rather than feelings, pictures, or impressions.
Systematic Approach
A systematic approach means being organized in searches and results. It concerns building rationally organized systems of ideas, integrating partial knowledge into larger wholes.
Types of Systems
- Open: Can transfer both energy and mass, so the contained mass is not necessarily constant.
- Closed: A constant mass region allowing only energy transfer.
- Isolated: Cannot transfer matter or energy.
The environment is a part of the universe affected by the processes occurring within a system.
The smallest particle of an element that retains its chemical properties through chemical changes.
This is the smallest unit into which a substance can be divided while retaining its physical and chemical properties.
Electrostatic Forces
Electrostatic forces are considered when they originate from intermolecular and intramolecular interactions, occurring between atoms within a molecule or between molecules.
Dalton's Atomic Theory
- An element is composed of indivisible particles called atoms.
- Atoms of the same element have identical properties.
- Atoms of one element cannot be created or destroyed.
- Compounds are formed when different atoms are joined in a definite proportion.
- The number and types of atoms are constant in a given compound.