Understanding Schizophrenia: Educational Workbook
Classified in Medicine & Health
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Our educational workbook is on Schizophrenia. My name is Rachelle and I am the leader of our project. (*introduce class members)
- Anna will now tell you what Schizophrenia is.
This information is important for patients and caretakers to remember to keep all doctor appointments, write any questions prior to going so they are not forgotten and always talk to the health care provider regarding all questions and concerns.
- Candace will now tell you what causes Schizophrenia.
This is a fun crossword regarding mental health.
- Antoinette will now tell you the age of onset in schizophrenia
This is a coloring activity that I included to color "how you feel." It is hard to know exactly how a patient with schizophrenia feels so you can ask therapeutic questions such as:
"tell me what you are feeling at this moment."
"describe what you are seeing now."
If they are hearing voices, be sure to ask "what the voices are saying." State facts, such as "I understand the voices are real to you, but I do not hear them."
It's important to acknowledge the client's feelings and have them focus on reality and enforce it verbally. (be compassionate and don't argue with the client and ALWAYS provide safety for the client and anyone around!)
- Abby will now explain goals of treatment as well as types of treatment and then Perri will go more into depth on the treatments
These are a couple of important dates regarding Schizophrenia and World Mental Health Day!
- Clenesha will now explain what the standardized screening tools for schizophrenia are
This maze is a fun activity to do and gives insight on healthy lifestyle modifications for patients to incorporate!
- First we want to establish trust with our patients, encourage medication compliance, promote self-care, encourage group activities, eat healthy and get plenty of rest and sleep.
- Bri will now provide tools and resources for patients, as well as resources we used.
For more information you can visit these educational websites. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact our headquarters, Dr. Robertson!
We thank you for your time and attention.