Understanding Robot Kinematics: Parameters, Joints, and Links

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Robot Kinematics


Euler’s Rotation Theorem

Any rigid body motion that leaves one point fixed can be represented by a single rotation about an axis through the fixed point.

Chasles’ Theorem

Any rigid body motion is the translation of a designated point & a rotation of the whole body about that point.

Kinematic Parameters

These parameters are associated with the kinematic configuration of each link and joint of the robot arm. There are four main kinematic parameters:

Joint Parameters

The relative position and orientation of two successive links can be specified by two joint parameters:

  • Joint Angle (θk): The amount of rotation about zk-1 so that Xk-1 is parallel to Xk.
  • Joint Distance (dk): The amount of translation along the Zk-1 needed to make axis Xk-1 intersect with Xk.

Link Parameters

Each joint connects adjacent links. Link (k) connects joint (k) to (k+1). The relative position and orientation of the axis of two successive joints are specified by two link parameters:

  • Link Twist Angle (αk): The rotation about Xk needed to make axis Zk-1 parallel with axis Zk.
  • Link Length (ak): The amount of translation along Xk needed to make axis Zk-1 intersect with axis Zk.


Euler’s Rotation Theorem

Any rigid body motion that leaves one point fixed can be represented by a single rotation about an axis through the fixed point.

Chasles’ Theorem

Any rigid body motion is the translation of a designated point & a rotation of the whole body about that point.

Kinematic Parameters

These parameters are associated with the kinematic configuration of each link and joint of the robot arm. There are four main kinematic parameters:

Joint Parameters

The relative position and orientation of two successive links can be specified by two joint parameters:

  • Joint Angle (θk): The amount of rotation about zk-1 so that Xk-1 is parallel to Xk.
  • Joint Distance (dk): The amount of translation along the Zk-1 needed to make axis Xk-1 intersect with Xk.

Link Parameters

Each joint connects adjacent links. Link (k) connects joint (k) to (k+1). The relative position and orientation of the axis of two successive joints are specified by two link parameters:

  • Link Twist Angle (αk): The rotation about Xk needed to make axis Zk-1 parallel with axis Zk.
  • Link Length (ak): The amount of translation along Xk needed to make axis Zk-1 intersect with axis Zk.

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