Understanding Political Geography and State Functions

Classified in History

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Examines how space is organized within societies.

Supranational Organizations

Examples include the United Nations and the European Union.

Subnational Entities

Comprising regional and local authorities.

The State

A set of institutions created to organize the life and activity of people who live in the same territory, governed by the same laws under one power.


Well-delimited borders distinguish it from other states and territories.


People living within the state's territory, possessing rights and obligations that apply equally to all citizens.

Functions of the State

  • Establishes laws regulating social relations among the state's population.
  • Ensures compliance with laws through the judiciary.
  • Maintains internal order and external security.
  • Holds exclusive competence in foreign policy.
  • Collects taxes.
  • Directs the economy through laws regulating business activity and the labor market.
  • Manages public services such as education and healthcare, and manages infrastructure and collective resources.

State Administration

The collective of organizations required for the state to perform its functions.

  • Most administrative personnel are career civil servants appointed through examination.
  • Administrative tasks are overseen by individuals appointed by the current government (politicians).

Interim Officers

Occupy vacancies within a public body until filled by career civil servants.

The Democratic State

Characterized by public participation in governance.

Direct Democracy

Citizens gather in assemblies to make decisions.

Representative Democracy

Citizens elect representatives who exercise sovereignty on their behalf.


Elected individuals who develop, process, and approve laws, and elect the prime minister.


Four Key Requirements:

  • Free: Citizens can present themselves as candidates and campaign freely.
  • Plural: Representing diverse options.
  • Universal Suffrage: All citizens of legal age can vote.
  • Periodic: Held regularly.

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