Understanding Malnutrition, Eating Disorders, and Obesity

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Malnutrition: results from a poor diet or a lack of food. It happens when the intake of nutrients or energy is too high, too low, or poorly balanced. Malnutrition involves a dietary deficiency. People may eat too much of the wrong type of food and have malnutrition. Undernutrition can lead to delayed growth or wasting, while a diet that provides too much food, but not necessarily balanced, leads to obesity. In many parts of the world, undernutrition results from a lack of food. In some cases, however, undernourishment may stem from a health condition, such as an eating disorder or a chronic illness that prevents the person from absorbing nutrients.


Symptoms: signs and symptoms of undernutrition include: lack of appetite or interest in food or drink, tiredness and irritability, inability to concentrate, always feeling cold, loss of fat, muscle mass and body tissue, higher risk of getting sick and taking longer to heal, longer healing time for wounds, higher risk of complications after surgery, depression....

Eating Disorder

Eating disorder: describe illnesses that are characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern about body weight or shape. Eating disturbances may include inadequate or excessive food intake which can ultimately damage an individual's well-being. The most common forms of eating disorders include Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Obesity and affect both females and males.

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa- the male or female suffering from anorexia will typically have an obsessive fear of gaining weight, refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, and an unrealistic perception of body image. Many people with anorexia nervosa will fiercely limit the quantity of food they consume and view themselves as overweight, even when they are clearly underweight. Anorexia can have damaging health effects such as brain damage, multi-organ failure, bone loss, heart difficulties, and infertility. The risk of death is highest in individuals with this disease.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa- this eating disorder is characterized by repeated binge eating followed by behaviors that compensate for the overeating, such as forced vomiting, excessive exercise, or extreme use of laxatives or diuretics. Men and women who suffer from Bulimia may fear weight gain and feel severely unhappy with their body size and shape. The binge-eating and purging cycle is typically done in secret, creating feelings of shame, guilt, and lack of control. Bulimia can have injuring effects such as gastrointestinal problems, severe dehydration, and heart difficulties resulting from an electrolyte imbalance.


Obesity this condition puts people at a higher risk for serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index of 30 or more. BMI is a calculation that takes a person's weight and height into account. However, BMI does have some limitations. Eating more calories than you burn in daily activity and exercise causes obesity. Over time these extra calories add up and cause you to gain weight. A complex mix of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors can increase a person's risk for obesity.

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