Understanding Flag Football Rules and Techniques

Classified in Physical Education

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You must pass the ball backward with both hands. No forward passes are allowed with the hands. If so, a free pass will be awarded to the opposing team at the place where the ball left the player’s hands.

The 'Tackle' (Tag)

A tag refers to the removal of one of the two ribbons placed at both sides of a player (see picture). The only player on the field who can be tagged is the player in possession of the ball. The defender will then hold the ribbon above their head and shout “Tag!” loud and clear for all to hear.

The Free Pass

A free pass is used to start the game (from the center of the field) or to restart it at the place where the ball went out of play or an infringement took place.

What Happens After a Tag?

Both the ball carrier and the defender are momentarily out of the game. The defender can take no further part until they have handed back the ribbon to the attacker (not throwing it to the floor). The attacker will take no further part either, until they have replaced their ribbon back on their belt.

The Approach

The run-up to the bar is called a “J” because the athlete runs between 8–12 strides describing the shape of a “J” as he/she approaches the bar.

The Take Off

  • This is the most technical step. You have to transfer into height all that speed you acquired in the previous step, by jumping with the farthest leg to the bar.
  • The knee is very important: When jumping, you will drive your take-off knee hard into the air to give you more height. This movement helps to turn your back towards the bar. Note that the shoulders and torso follow the knee.
  • Drive your lead arm up high. This will guide your body over the bar.

The Flight

In this step, the jumper should arch his/her back in the air just as if they were doing a bridge in the air or pretending there is a spike just underneath them.

The Landing

Must be done on the mat with the upper back and with the shoulders (not with the neck) and arms placed at both sides. It is also important that the knees are not together when the landing takes place, otherwise, a bang in the face might happen.

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