Understanding Financial Statements: Profit, Loss, and Balance Sheets
Classified in Economy
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Profit and Loss (Income Statement)
The profit and loss statement, also known as the income statement, summarizes a company's revenues, costs, and expenses during a specific period.
A) Operating Result
- Income:
- Income from holdings
- Product sales
- Service provisions
- Other regularly obtained income
- Operating Expenses:
- Purchase of raw materials, components, and merchandise
- Salaries and Social Security (SS)
- Rent, supplies, repairs, and conservation expenses
- Amortization (Depreciation)
B) Financial Result (I-II)
- I) Financial Income:
- Interest and dividends received
- II) Financial Expenses:
- Interest paid
C) Result Before Taxes (A + B)
D) Net Result (After 30% Corporate Tax)
Balance Sheet
- Non-Current Assets
- a) Intangible
- b) Tangible (Material)
- Current Assets / Circulating Assets
- a) Inventories (raw materials, parts, merchandise, fuel, finished products)
- b) Realizable (clients, customers, receivables, HP debtor, SS debtor)
- c) Treasury / Available
- Banks
- Cash
Liabilities and Equity
- Net Assets / Equity
- Social Capital
- Reserves (retained earnings)
- Profit & Loss (Profit for the year)
- Non-Current Liabilities (Long-Term Payable)
- Amounts owed to banks (Long-Term)
- Current Liabilities / Circulating Liabilities
- Suppliers
- Payables
- Social Security (SS)
- Amounts owed to banks (Short-Term)
A = P: = A + P (Assets = Liabilities + Equity)
Key Concepts
Operating Result: Reflects the profit or loss that the company obtained in a given period.
Net Result Distribution: 10% to legal reserve until the reserve reaches 20% of the capital, and the remaining amount (approximately 70%) is available for dividends.
Accounting: The function of collecting and quantifying economic information generated in the business and communicating it to end-users for decision-making.
End-Users: Owners (partners or shareholders), banks, and other stakeholders.
Account: A record that collects and evaluates the different assets of a company.
Patrimony: A set of assets, rights, and obligations of a company. A company's assets are divided into two large blocks.
Balance Sheet: A document that reflects the financial situation of a company at a given time.
Assets: The monetary valuation of all property and rights of the company. It shows how the company has invested its resources.
Liabilities: The resources that have enabled the company to acquire the rights and property.
Fixed Costs: Costs that are independent of the units produced.
Profits = Total Revenue - Total Costs
- Profit = B
- Total Revenue = TR
- Unit Price = p
- Units Sold = q
- Total Costs = TC
- Total Variable Costs = TVC
- Total Fixed Costs = FC
- Unit Variable Cost = UVC
- Break-Even Point (Quantity) = FC / (p - UVC) = FC / (Unit Contribution Margin)
- Break-Even Point (EUR) = FC / Contribution Margin Ratio