Understanding Ethics: Values, Principles, and Virtues

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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How Ethics are Defined

Ethics are a branch of philosophy that reflects on what is right and wrong.

Ethics vs. Morality

Ethics involve analysis, while morality is putting ethical ideas into practice.

Ethical Values

Guiding ideals like justice, freedom, honesty, love, and respect.

Ethical Principles

General rules guiding proper behavior.

Two Ethical Principles

Confucius: 'Don't do to others what you don't like done to you.' Christian: 'Love others as yourself.'

Ethical Virtues

Habits aiding correct behavior and moral actions.

Ethical Vices

Bad habits leading to harmful actions.

Ethical Codes

Set of values, principles, rules, duties, and responsibilities guiding behavior.

Requirements for Ethical Reflection

  • Reason
  • Freedom
  • Knowledge
  • Responsibility
  • Universality
  • Education

Applied Ethics

Deals with specific ethical questions in professional or practical fields.

Business Ethics

Focuses on ethical considerations in business practices.

Ethical Analysis of Science

Encourages critical thinking about the impact of science and technology.

Impacts of Wars

Examines the moral implications of wars on vulnerable populations.

Environmental Ethics

Studies human moral relationships with the environment.

Common Mistakes in Ethical Debates

Avoid confusing ethical values with real circumstances or solutions.

Ethics and morality are integral to rational behavior.

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