Understanding Ethics: Moral, Immoral, and Amoral Acts
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Let's delve into the concepts of morality and different ethical theories:
- Moral act: An example is paying taxes.
- Immoral act: An example is driving with excessive speed.
- Amoral act: An example is taking a nap.
What is Morality?
Morality concerns how individuals and their actions should be, along with the norms and values that society accepts. These norms and values may form a code of conduct or moral code.
Heteronomy Stage
Children initially act out of impulses or instincts. Soon, they internalize values and norms from family, school, and their own emotional experiences.
Stoicism and Epicureanism
- Stoicism: This philosophy posits that individuals must adapt themselves to the laws of the universe.
- Epicureanism: This philosophy states that the most important thing is pleasure.
Christian Ethics
How can happiness be achieved? By getting closer to God and practicing love, even towards one's enemies.
Emerging during the Enlightenment in the 18th century, utilitarianism emphasizes what is useful to society.
Current Ethical Trends
Modern societies exhibit diverse values, desires, and preferences. The aim is to achieve justice and welfare for all. In conflicts, negotiated agreements and an ethic of citizenship should be built through dialogue.
Ethical Theories that Emphasize Ends
- Aristotle: He believed that all our actions seek an end, the most important being happiness. Happiness is different for each individual.
- Epicureans: They believed the end is pleasure.
- Utilitarians: They believed the end is not individual pleasure but the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Ethical Duty: Kantian Ethics
Immanuel Kant, in the 18th century, stated that humans must think for themselves using reason. We must act out of pure respect for duty, act in a way that we would want for others, and treat others as ends and not means. The will must be autonomous.
Christian Ethics in Spanish Culture
Jesus Christ preached love for one's neighbor. His teachings have had a decisive influence on Western culture. Christianity differs from other religions because Christians believe that all men and women are siblings, as they are all children of God.
Aristotle's Finalist and Eudemonistic Ethics
Aristotle's ethics are finalist and eudemonistic, meaning that our behavior aims to achieve happiness, and all our actions seek an end.
Hedonism argues that the ultimate goal of human beings is to achieve happiness, understood as pleasure. Epicureans are hedonists because they believe that the end is pleasure. Behavior is explained by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.
Happiness According to Utilitarianism
According to utilitarianism, humans act in pursuit of the happiness of the greatest number of people possible. What produces pleasure and happiness is good and useful.
Bioethics and Environmental Ethics
- Bioethics: This discipline applies ethical reflection to the problems of ethical research, such as euthanasia.
- Environmental Ethics: These ethics reconcile the desire for the benefits of economic development with environmental needs and the right of animals to survive in their natural environment.