Understanding Employee Mobility: Types, Rights, and Wages

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Understanding Employee Mobility, Rights, and Wages

Functional mobility occurs within a company when an employee's job changes, and they perform functions different from their usual tasks. Worker mobility between different occupational categories is possible if there are organizational reasons that warrant it and the time needed to overcome these causes.

An employer may change the distribution of work and the roles of workers, provided they have the necessary qualifications to perform the functions of the new job assigned to them. This mobility does not lead to a loss of occupational status, salary reduction, or impairment of their dignity.

Geographic mobility is caused by the relocation of a worker to another workplace in a different location, involving a change of residence.

Transfer Causes

The causes that result in a transfer may be technical, organizational, or production-related.


Movement is the temporary transfer of a worker to a place other than their habitual residence for the provision of services. The causes for a shift may be technical, organizational, or production-related and must always be justified.

Geographic mobility is produced by the relocation of the worker to another work center and involves a change of residence.

Transfer Causes

The causes that lead to the transfer can be technical, organizational, or production-related.

Movement is the temporary transfer of a worker to a place other than their habitual residence for the provision of services.

Functional mobility occurs within the firm and involves a change from one job to another, where the worker performs functions other than those usually performed. Worker mobility between different occupational categories is only possible if there are organizational reasons that justify it and the time needed to overcome these causes. An employer may change the distribution of work in your company and, in particular, the roles of workers, provided they have the necessary qualifications to perform the functions of the new job assigned to them and that mobility does not lead to a loss of occupational status, salary reduction, or impairment of their dignity. Geographic mobility occurs by the transfer of its service station. Causes The causes for which there is a shift may be technical, organizational or production, and must always be justified.

The minimum wage is unattachable, except in cases where the worker is ordered to pay for child support, in which case it may be garnished in the amount determined by the judge. Amounts exceeding the minimum wage are attachable according to the following sections:

  1. The first minimum wage is not garnishable.
  2. The second minimum wage can be garnished up to 30%.
  3. The third minimum wage can be garnished up to 50%.
  4. The fourth minimum wage, up to 60%.
  5. The fifth minimum wage, up to 75%.
  6. The excess of the above, up to 90%.

When a work contract is suspended, the authors classify the causes of suspension in a variety of ways, sometimes in response to the presence or absence of voluntariness, the intrinsic nature of the cause, and many other factors.

  • Temporary or partial disability
  • Accident
  • Disease and maternity leave during the prenatal and postnatal periods
  • Holiday Rest

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