Understanding Electricity Billing and Home Installations

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Understanding Electricity Billing

Let's break down the components of your electricity bill:

  • Power Term (T. potencia): A fixed amount paid in billing, determined by the contracted power.
  • Energy Term (T. energia): The amount paid for the actual energy consumed.

Types of Electricity Rates

  • Last Resort Rate (TUR): Replaces the former "integral rate," set by the government. It features a single price for all users. Available for those with contracted power less than 10kW.
  • Toll-Free Rate: You can negotiate different conditions than the TUR with a marketer.
  • Access Fee: Covers the cost of using the distribution network to bring electricity to your home. Not applicable if you have the TUR.
  • Social Bond: A tariff designed to protect households with fewer resources.
  • Time Discrimination Rate: Replaces the old "night rate." It differentiates between cheaper consumption during off-peak hours and more expensive consumption during peak hours.

Reactive Energy and Power Factor

  • Reactive Energy: An electromagnetic field generated in some appliances, like washing machines, for engine operation.
  • Reactive Power Complement: A premium or bonus applicable to both the power term and the energy term.
  • Improving Power Factor: Use static capacitors or automatic capacitor banks. The energy generated by reactive power passing through the meter can have negative consequences, which capacitors help mitigate.

Home Electrical Installations

Link Facilities

These connect the general protection case with the user's indoor facilities. The components include:

  • General Protection Case (CGP): Houses the protective elements of the General Feeder Line (LGA).
  • General Feeder Line (LGA): Connects the CGP to individual branch circuits.
  • Elements for Meter Location
  • Individual Branch Circuit: From the meter to the individual control panel (ICP).
  • General Control and Protection Devices

Components of Link Facilities

  • CGP: Hosts the protective elements of the LGA.
  • LGA: Connects the CGP to individual branch circuits.
  • General Maneuvering Interrupter: Allows disconnection of the entire meter concentration.
  • Counter Security and Protection Fuses: Protect the individual meter and branch circuit.
  • Measurement Equipment: Measures the energy supplied.
  • Individual Branch Circuit (DI): Supplies energy to a user's installation, usually starting at the meter.
  • Power Control Switch (ICP): Controls the contracted power, located in a sealed box.
  • Control and Protection Panel: Houses general and individual control and protection devices.

General Safety Protection

These protective elements are housed in the LGA. They are installed on exterior walls in open-access locations. The LGA's path should be as short and straight as possible.

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