Understanding Domestic Violence: Warning Signs, Support, and Resources

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Understanding Domestic Violence


English - Spanish

  • To punch: golpear (con el puño)
  • To choke: estrangular (con las manos)
  • To strangle: estrangular (con cualquier cosa)
  • Isolated incident (single incident): incidente aislado
  • Long-term: a largo plazo
  • To cope with / to deal with: lidiar con
  • To know and understand: awareness (conciencia)
  • To look for or try to obtain: to seek (buscar)
  • Psychological help: counseling (asesoramiento)
  • To tell the authorities: to report (informar) NOT to demand
  • A husband or wife: a spouse (cónyuge, esposa o esposo)
  • Don’t get close to that person: a restraining order (orden de alejamiento)
  • Repeated abuse: battering - battered women (maltrato, mujeres maltratadas)
  • To support someone to do something: to encourage (animar)
  • A safe place to stay: a shelter / a refuge (refugio)
  • Billboard: cartel, cartelera
  • Wounds: heridas
  • Cuts and swollen eyes: cortes y ojos hinchados
  • Turn and blind eye: “hacer oídos sordos”
  • Denial: negación
  • Bruises: moretones
  • Trap: trampa
  • To hide: esconder
  • To deserve: merecer
  • Legal approach: enfoque legal
  • To overcome: superar
  • To sue: demandar
  • To file suit: presentar una demanda
  • To use drugs: drogarse
  • Substance abuse: abuso de sustancias
  • To be ashamed: estar avergonzado
  • Shame: vergüenza
  • To make somebody something (violent): hacer algo a alguien (violento)
  • A gut feeling: un presentimiento
  • Nude pictures: fotos desnudas
  • To be strangled: ser estrangulado
  • To degrade someone: degradar a alguien
  • To put someone down: menospreciar a alguien
  • To be/feel stuck: estar o sentirse atrapado
  • To speak up: hacerse oír
  • A hidden epidemic: epidemia escondida

Warning Signs

  • Checking cell phones, emails, or social networks without permission: Comprobación de teléfonos celulares, correos electrónicos o redes sociales sin permiso.
  • Extreme jealousy or insecurity: Celos extremos o inseguridad.
  • Constant belittling or put-downs: menosprecio constante o desprecio.
  • Explosive temper: Temperamento explosivo.
  • Isolation from family and friends: Aislamiento de familiares y amigos.
  • Making false accusations: Hacer falsas acusaciones.
  • Erratic mood swings: Cambios de humor erráticos.
  • Physically inflicting pain or hurt in any way: Infligir físicamente dolor o daño de cualquier manera.
  • Possessiveness: Posesión.
  • Telling someone what to do: Decirle a alguien qué hacer.

1.1 Synonyms

  • Aim: objective
  • Issues: problems
  • Widely: very much
  • Key: main idea
  • Aid: help

2. Grammar

2.1 Asking Questions

  • What do you think (of) when you hear the phrase 'domestic violence'?
  • Do you know if domestic violence is a major problem in Spain?

2.2 Conditionals

First Conditional

  • If + present; future or modal or imperatives
  • Likely conditions, possibility, probable situations
  • Example: If I see him, I will tell him he can't come to the party tomorrow.

Second Conditional

  • If + past; would or could or might + infinitive
  • Very hypothetical situations
  • Example: If I were a boy, I could be a well-paid soccer player.

Third Conditional

  • If + past perfect; would or could or might + have + past participle
  • Regret
  • Example: If I had known he was violent, I wouldn't have started a relationship with him.

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