Types of Power Stations: Fossil Fuels, Combined Cycle, Hydroelectric, Geothermal, and Solar
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Fossil Fuel Power Stations
Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are used to heat water in a boiler. Steam from the boiler turns a turbine, which is connected to the rotor of a generator. The generator produces electricity, which is transported by a network of high voltage power lines. After that, the steam goes to a condenser where it cools and becomes liquid water again. Finally, the water is pumped back to the boiler.
Combined Cycle Power Stations
Electricity is generated in two systems. In the first, natural gas is burned with compressed air. This produces superheated gases which turn a turbine to generate electricity. In the second, the hot gases from the first system are used to produce steam in a heat recovery boiler. Then the steam turns a turbine to generate more electricity.
Hydroelectric Power Stations
Hydroelectric power stations use the energy of falling water to produce electricity. When water accumulates in a reservoir behind a high dam, it has a lot of potential energy which becomes kinetic energy when the water falls down to a lower level. This kinetic energy moves the blades of turbines, which are usually located at the foot of the dam. The turbines are connected to the rotors of generators, which generate electricity.
Conventional Hydroelectric Stations
The water flows from the reservoir to the turbines through a high-pressure conduit. Then it flows out, usually into a river.
Pumped-Storage Hydroelectric Stations
The water flows from the turbine to a second reservoir. Then it is pumped back up to the higher reservoir and stored for later use.
Geothermal Power Stations
Geothermal power stations use natural heat from the deepest underground layer of our planet. This heat comes to the Earth's surface as hot water, steam, and hot gases. It can be used directly to provide hot water for heating and industrial use. In some places, this hot water is used for bathing. It can be used indirectly to drive generators and produce electricity.
Solar Power Stations
There are two types of solar power stations: solar thermal stations and solar photovoltaic stations.
Solar Thermal Stations
Solar thermal stations use solar collectors to absorb sunlight in order to produce heat. This heat can be used to generate steam, which drives a turbine to generate electricity.
Solar Photovoltaic Stations
Solar photovoltaic stations use solar panels to convert sunlight directly into electricity.