Totalitarianism and Radical Nationalism: Ideologies of the Past

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The only rights that people had were the ones that interested the state.


They tried to cultivate violence, war, anti-intellectualism, and strength. They also believed in their own version of Darwin's theory, natural selection.

Radical Nationalism

The nation was considered superior and indivisible.

Racism and Xenophobia

There were superior and inferior races.

Anti-Communism, Anti-Liberalism, and Anti-Feminism

Imperialism and Militarism

If the war was for their own country, it was justified (expansionism), and there was a sense of superiority towards other nations.

Corporate State

They aimed to eliminate social classes, so society was divided into corporations or associations (families, jobs, etc.).

State-Led Capitalist Economy

They maintained private property and capitalist labor and production.

Belligerence Against International Constitutions

Their principles were completely opposed to those of the League of Nations.

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