Time of useful consciousness

Classified in Medicine & Health

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·Crowded(lleno)                              ·Lie on the beach

·Get a suntan ·Dirty (sucio)                                  

 ·Go abroad(extranjero)        ·Get sunburnt (quemarte)

·Lively                                   ·Polluted                            

 ·Go snorkelling                      ·Go sightseeing(turismo)

Ciuely (place full of energy)

·Ash→ errautza (ceniza)

·Stung→ ziztatu

·Collocations: is two or more words that often go together

·Journey: when you travel from one place to another

·Trip: go somewhere a returning

·Voyage: a long journey by boat or into space

·Travel (v) : go from one place to another, usually in a vehicle

·Active listening                      ---------    Listen actively

·Assertiveness(confianza)      ----------   To be assertive

·Conflict resolution                --------      Solve conflict

·Cooperation                        --------        Cooperate

·Creative thinking                 --------     Think creatively

·Entrepreneurship                --------    To be entrepreneur

·Money management            -------       Manage money

·Negotiation                          -------       To negotiate

·Problem-solving                 --------        Solve problems

·Respect for others              -------         Respect others

·Self-awareness                   -------        Be self-aware

·Time management              -------        Manage time

·Fundraising→ dirua biltzea

·Skills→ habilidades

·Check something out→ konprobatu

·Self-awareness→ auto conciencia

·Treasure---> tesorero

·Spreadsheets→ kalkulu horriak

·Pour→ a liquid

·Heal→ curarse

·Dig a hole→ hacer un agujero

·Knit→ hacer punto

·Tight→ estua

·Be worth it (valer para eso)

·Look forward to (esperar)

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