Time of useful consciousness

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Request:aquestionwhichpolitelyorofficiallyasksfor Something.

Seek:totrytofindor get Something.

Share: If you share sth with another person, you both have it or enjoy it.

Slender: a Person thin and graceful.

Snobbish: Someone who is too proud of his social status, intelligence or taste.

Socialise: To meet other people socially, for example at parties.


Spy: a Person whose job is to find secret information about a country or organization.

Squeaky: If someone has a squeaky voice, he has a high-pitched voice.

Stammer: To speak with difficulty, hesitating, repeating words or sounds, because you Are nervous, for example.

Startle:  to become disconcerted or frightened by a Sudden shock.

Strategy: The plan you use in order to achieve sth.

Strenght:thequalityof beingstrong.

Struggle:totryvery hard to Do somethingdifficult.

Take up: tostartdoing aparticularjoboractivity.

Thrill: Sudden feeling of great excitement, pleasure or fear.

Warn: To tell sby about a possible danger or problem, so that he is aware of it.

Wear: To Be dressed in any kind of clothes, or to have your hair long, short, etc.

Willpower: theabilityto make Yourself dodifficultthings Or tostopyourself From doingenjoyablethings That arebadfor you

Run after: perseguir

Run off with: alejarse

Run into: encontrarse con alguien

Look away: mirar a otro lado

Look through: ignorar

Look forward to: amocionado

Look up: buscar

Achievement: accomplishment

Actually: really in fact

Afraid: frightened


Best,foremost: top

Caml: quiet

Chubby: fat

Communicate: convey

Deal with: face

Definitely: clearly

Deliver: give in

Didn´t pay atention: ignored

Discovered: found out

Disorder: condition

Fat: slender

Frequent or usual: common

Friend: Acquaintance

Gloomy: dark

Greater tan normal: superhuman

Happily: grimly

Has PA: sufferers from PA

Hesitat: doubt (dudar)

Improve: enhance

In addition to: along with

Led: followed

Lowered: raised

Made me think: reminded

Make it possible for: alow

Metallic noise: crack

Non-professional: amateur

Of the present time: current

PA sufferers: prosopagnostics

Plenty of: a lot of

Practical: romantic

Pretending you haven´t seen: looking starght through.

Proved: showed

Say something: make a statement

Seek: look for

Slowly: swiftly

Spreads: extends

Spy: secret agent

Stepped bask: backd

Surprised: startled

Types, kinds: shorts

Typical: average

Whispered: murmured


Able-boys= Disabled



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