The Thirty Years' War and Absolutism in Europe
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3. THE THIRTY YEARS WARCauses:The main problems of the war and the different participants:
- This war was caused because of the cinflict between Catholics and protestants in the Holy Roman Empire
- Gradually it developed into a more general conflict for Europe political dominance
Conseuqences os the war: The war was taking a high toll on all the power. So they signed the Peace of Westfalia in 1648 and the war ended.
- Protestants uprising in Bohemia: Some protestants nobles expelled the Cathilics and appointed a protestant kink in Bohemia. The emperor who was king of Bohemia too fought against them.
- Two sides were formed: 1. The emperor had the support of the German Catholics and the king os Spain and Portugal 2. The protestants allied with German but they were defeated
- Swedish participation: 1. After the Surrunder of Breda the German Catholic took the protestants possesions so the protestants King of Sweden came the their allied 2. This created a greater balanced of power and a peace treaty was signed
- France joined the conflict: After the sucreader os Breda, France feated the powerful Spain and Holy Roman Empire so though it was a CAtholic state, joined with protestants and defeated the Spanish troops in Rocroi
- The Spanish monarchy lost their dominance over Europe
- The Northern provinces of the low countries become independent and a great trading and naval power
- The Soverignty of the German states was recogsined. Religious tolerance and limits on the power held by the Emperor was established
- Sweden became the dominant state of the Baltic Coast
- FRance obtained territoreis in the Holy Roman Empire and became the leading power in Europe
4. AbsolutismAbsolutism: Political system, all the power was held by the king. During The EArly Modern Age the KIng Louis XIV (1643-1715) was an absolute France Monarchy.Caracteristics of the reign of Louis XIV:The support of absolutism:
- The king had unrestricted power. He made the laws and governed through decreased
- He had a large court of advisor who lived with him in the luxurious palace of Versalles
- He created a centrallised state by incrising the number of officials aciting under his power: secretaries, police, mayors, magistrates or judges and a board of governors under The Prime Minister or Chanceller
- He gave the administratives officials who came from the burgoesi proffesional status
- He expanded the diplomartic corps
- He had extremlly well organised proffesional army with impresive weapons and deffensive fortress
- He intervened in the economy by introducing durties and creating royal workshops
- The french church: Absolute power was considered a divine right because the king was god´s representative
- Some thinkers considered absolute monarchy to be the best posible politicas system
The generalisation: Absolutism began to spread to the majority of the European states except England and Holland where parlamentary sysytem were introduced