Teka motor
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ELECTRIC SIGNALS:Neurons work with one another to establish
Connections "synapses",which allow the nerve impulse to pasar.(ocurre en
Las dendrites). No hay contact fisico entre neu siempre hay una small
Gap between them "synaptic cleft".There are very small vesicles at the
Axon(son como bolsas) where there's a subtance "neurotrasmitters". 2
Tipos d neural pathways:
"Divergent"(trans el nerv
Imp d 1 neu a varias neu diferentes. "Convergent"(trans el ner imp d
Varias neurons a una sola)
THE BRAIN:located in the skull.Four sections: cerebellum,brain,brain stem and spinal bulb. Cerebellum:in the back of the brain.Made up of grey matt on the outside and white matt on the ins.It receives info for balance and info that the inner ear sens.Tamb coordinates motor impulses sent del brain.Act d muscles Brain stem:it's betw the spinal bulb and the brain,below the thalamus.It regulates sleep,visual and auditory reflexes,blood pressure and comm betw the parts of the brain Spinal bulb:makes up the extension of the medulla.Areas d grey matter rodeadas d white matter. The cerebrum:largest part of the brain. Wh and grey matt.The grey matter forms the cerebral cortex that has many ridges q son(intergyrals y fissures).Una fiss divide el cerebrum en 2 hemispeheres that are connected by the corpus callosum(wh mat). The left:logic and analytical thinking right:intuition and creativity. Remaining fissures:definen areas del cerebr cortex;lobes