Technology's Impact on Society and Education
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Technology: Knowledge, Need, Imagination, and Resources
Technology is the combination of knowledge, need, imagination, and resources. It is not to be ignored.
Technological Evolution
Technological evolution is generated by necessity. Technological involution refers to technology without demand, which is not required.
Factors Influencing Technology
Factors in the technological and social environment push for the generation of a need. Factors in the social environment within society generate necessities. Examples include education, war, and food.
Relationship Between Technology and Education
The relationship between technology and education relates to the impact on Information Technology (IT). Technology advances faster than our ability to adapt.
Factors Affecting Population Equilibrium
Population factors undermine the Malthusian curve, generating drops. Technology increases the efficiency of land cultivation, such as through genetically modified (GM) foods.
Information Technology Impact Map
An IT impact map measures the impact of IT, altering everyday activities. For example, working from home optimizes IT productivity.
IT Generation
The current IT generation is better prepared to withstand and absorb technological advancements.
IT Impact Level
The IT impact level measures the velocity with which information spreads.
IT as a Problem
IT becomes a problem when the velocity of information transmission exceeds the receiver's assimilation capacity. It should decrease the levels or eliminate reality so that time can be assimilated.
Relationship Between Technology and Youth Development
Are young people best prepared to absorb the benefits of technology, using them to create added value?
When Does Technology Become Obsolete?
Technology becomes obsolete when it is no longer in demand, and the need no longer exists. For example, the tape recorder.
Value of Technology and External Resources
External resources are a short-term solution but are more costly and create dependence, conspiring against the development capacity of technology itself. For example, gas.
Private and State Encouragement of Technology
Why should private and state entities encourage the use of technology? The welfare state has to give a single private sector interest, and to encourage the state, it allows the administration of technology so its benefits are exploited by the majority.
Why does technology have an impact on IT? Because the velocity of information propagation is above normal.
When is technology a problem, and when is it a solution? It is a problem when its impact is such that a group of people cannot adapt, and it is a solution when they are in equilibrium. For example, virtual classrooms.
What is IT?
IT works on a digital electronic platform. The communication channel is asynchronous (does not depend on time restrictions), and its communication process is in real-time. For example, IT is not a deposit of money at an ATM.
Who causes the greatest impact of IT problems? Those who generate technology and not the people who do not have the resources to qualify for benefits from the technology.
Asynchronous time is not necessarily real-time, but if there is no real-time, it is asynchronous.
Why do most industrialized societies generate problems with IT? They generate dependency on technology, crossing the equilibrium point from the vicious circle of technology. Generating new paradigms creates changes that are not assimilated, leading to conflict. For example, Japan.
Rules of an IT Map
- Circle: Represents a node. Only the last node represents the end user.
- Arrow: Represents a channel, combination, or transfer of information.
- Level: Represents communication channels that are in real-time and asynchronous. Only calculated if they are continuous channels.