Technology's Answer to Society's Problems: The Project Approach

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Technology's answer to the problems of society is to build products using a simple method called the project approach. The stages of the project approach include: problem, investigation, possible solution, chosen solution, design, planning, building, check, presentation, and assessment.

Report documents include:

  • Description of the prototype
  • List of modifications made
  • Final drawing of the solution
  • Total cost of the project and the number of hours spent on it
  • Environmental impact of the solution created

Serendipity: The fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance, by mistake. Coordinator: coordinates the work. Secretary: keeps the project documents safe and writes down the tasks that are completed each day and who did them. Tools manager: checks the tools and the users. Materials manager: organizes which materials are needed. Cleaning manager: checks that everyone cleans the working area.

Ergonomics: is the technique that aims to obtain products designed to meet users' anatomical and physiological characteristics. Morphological analysis: rectangular shape, three pieces. Functional analysis: It is very simple to use, just pressing it out it opens and relaxing it cools. It has 2 points for applying force (F1 & F2) and 2 points that offer resistance (R1 & R2). Technical analysis: It is composed of 2 wood or plastic pieces that go together using the metal dock. Economic analysis: normally they are cheap, 1€ - 30 units? Social analysis: they are commonly used in our society, almost in every home people use them. Aesthetic analysis: depending on preferences, people prefer the colorful plastic ones or the environmentally friendly ones made out of wood. Historical analysis: the object emerged because people needed to keep clothes hanging from the line while they were drying out in the wind.

Isometric perspective: All three axes are separated by the same angle (120º). All the measurements made on any axis are reduced by 4:5 (0.82).

Cavalier perspective: The X and Z axes are drawn with a 90º angle of separation. The faces of the object are not deformed, so we represent them with their actual measurements.

Dimension lines: Auxiliary dimension lines: Dimension line end points Numbers: Symbology: S=D/R

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