The last tea summary

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Better ways to learn

1. A) FALSE: “Indeed, these surveys show that over 70 % of students probably don’t need to study more – just more effectively.”

b) FALSE: “For instance, rather than sitting at the same desk studying for hours, Changing the scenery will create new associations in your brain and make it Easier to recall information later.”

2. a) No, Because students study to pass the exam and do not really learn

b) Because If we study in short periods of time we stay better focused and do not get Distracted so easily

3. A) Notion    b) potential     c) associations     d) enhances

4 a) studying.   b) Unless / Stressing.     C) trying

d) The Teacher wanted to know if his / her students had written a summary of the Lesson for their last exam.

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