UN Sustainable Development Goals, Progress, and Strategy

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United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

1. One of the new goals is to end extreme poverty by 2030, irreversibly. (True)

2. When it comes to reducing poverty and malnutrition, Rwanda has become a successful model for the rest of the developing world. (True)

3. The Millennium Goal to reduce extreme poverty by 50% (more than 1 billion people) was met five years early, mostly because of changes in China. (True)

4. Rwanda's services help the poorest people, and the government incorporates cultural practices to get communities involved. (True)

5. All of the new goals are for the developing world and for the developed world. Everyone can take action, not just governments. (True)

6. No one is to be left behind. Extreme poverty is to be completely eradicated. (True)

7. The new Sustainable Development Goals are intended to be pursued together, at the same time, holistically. (True)

Surviving Progress

8. The things that start out that seem to be improvements or progress do not always remain positive when they reach a certain scale. (False)

9. We are running 21st-century software (culture) on hardware that is essentially 50,000 years old. (True)

10. Every time history repeats itself, the price goes up. (True)

Toward an Integrated Theory Strategy

11. A company with a balance in environmental, structural, and contextual complexities is more likely to survive than a company without that balance. (False)

12. A company with high contextual complexity and moderate structural complexity... (False - *Incomplete statement*).

The Strategy Concept

  • 13. Encourages us to look at the survival of an organization in the context of its competitive environment (Position).
  • 14. Some sort of consciously intended course of action (Plan).
  • 15. Raises intriguing questions about intention (Perspective).
  • 16. Consistency in behavior labeled as strategy (Pattern).
  • 17. The achievement of consistency in behavior and the notion that strategies... (Pattern - *Incomplete statement*).
  • 18. Really just a specific maneuver intended to deceive (Ploy).
  • 19. A product or market domain (Position).
  • 20. The most difficult one to change (Perspective).
  • 21. How leaders try to establish... (Plan - *Incomplete statement*).
  • 22. Not one of Mintzberg's five Ps (Perception).

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